Roads and Transport Limpopo 02 August
Infrastructure Budget allocation for 2011/12 Upgrading of roads=R770,273m Preventative maintenance= R375, 111m Routine maintenance= R472,642m EPWP= R308,289m Intermodal Facilities= R130,000m Traffic Stations = R52,968m Total Budget = R2,109,283b 2
Road Network 3
2011/12 Infrastructure Projects TypeNumber of jobs to be created 23 x Road Upgrading project (including R33) 2, x Preventative Maintenance 1,426 EPWP: 27 x Household based routine maintenance, 7 x Access roads upgrading and 8 x Pothole patching projects 18,966 1x Transport intermodal facility (with Commercial / retail component) x Traffic station projects 354 TOTAL23,976 4
Job Creation 5 OBJECTIVEANNUAL TARGETPROGRESS: QUARTER 1 Number of jobs created Number of youths employed Number of women employed Number of people trained
Projects monitoring structure Monitoring structure comprises of the following: The departmental Project Management Unit Professional Service Providers (consultants) Departmental Project Monitoring Team (Technical, Social, Environment and Occupational Health and Safety) District Coordinators Head of Maintenance Centres Project Steering Committees 6
Project processes Planning and designs –EPWP projects are up to 70% Labour Content –Other projects are up to 30% Labour content (Preventative and Upgrading) –Unbundling of projects to accommodate SMME Procurement –A minimum of 30% of projects are earmarked for emerging contractors (CIDB 1-3). Emerging contractors are selected from the emerging contractor database to work under the main contractor; Projects include road marking, road reserve, etc. Implementation –Handing over of the project to the contractor –Engagement of the project monitoring team –Management of the project as per the design 7
Developmental Impact Projects are aligned to Municipal IDP’s –Upgrading of Access Roads and construction of sidewalks to Public amenities. Upgrading of high traffic volume roads (mining, agricultural sectors and tourism) Criteria for Roads upgrade: – Traffic count: increase in the number of vehicles on the road (400 vehicles per day) – Potential for the road to grow (increase in economic activities in and around between growth points) – Increase in Agriculture, Mining and tourism (lead to population growth) – Access to public amenities, hospitals, schools, tribal offices, services delivery points and linking of human settlements (highly populated) with provincial surfaced roads 8
Pothole Repairs Visual assessment of road network Prioritisation of strategic roads Pothole patching projects Potholes are repaired through departmental road maintenance teams and 8 pothole patching contractors –Term contracts for supply of road maintenance material are in place to speed up pothole repairs Turnaround time 9
Bridges 10 ProjectDistrict/AreaDescription Estimated all inclusive project cost. 1Vhembe Repair 14 bridges in Vhembe District.R18,8m 2Vhembe Repair bridge 6115 and the approaches on road D999.R9,0m 3Vhembe Replace bridge NB180 on road D3753.R17,3m 4Vhembe Repair and lengthen bridge NB045 on road D1489.R16,0m 5 Vhembe, Capricorn & Mopani Repair 20 bridges in the Vhembe, Capricorn, & Mopani districts. R20,1m 6Mopani Repair bridge UN134 over Nwanedzi riverR9,6m 7Mopani Repair 17 bridges in Mopani District.R17,0m 8Mopani Repair 10 bridges in Mopani District.R22,0m 9Capricorn Repair and lengthen bridge NB112 on road D3322.R9,6m 10Capricorn Replace the collapsed bridge NB244 on road D3406R17,3m 11 Capricorn & Waterberg Repair 19 bridges in Capricorn & Waterberg Districts.R23,4m 12Waterberg Repair 3 bridges in Waterberg District.R21,4m 13 Capricorn & Sekhukhune Repair 11 bridges in the Capricorn & Sekhukhune DistrictsR19,0m TOTAL : R220,5m Proposed 13 emergency bridge repair projects
Budget pressures and backlogs Current funding levels vs. Required budget allocations to address backlogs Current budget allocation will allow us to construct km of the provincial road network within 26yrs. It will cost R28 billion to address the kms backlog Depreciation of provincial roads at a cost of R3 billion cannot be ignored as it negatively affects our roads infrastructure. Road maintenance machinery backlog 11
Emergency Bridge Repair Projects Total cost estimate = R220,5 million (or R44,1million/year for 5 years) Address the 102 most deficient bridges. – Bridges are strategically, critically important nodes on the road network, and when a bridge collapse it causes major disruption to the public and affected communities (e.g. Lutanandwa river bridge, Fondwe in Vhembe District. 3 multipurpose transport facilities(R102m) – Dilokong, Ba- Phalaborwa, Muswodi. 2 Driving Licence Testing Centers: (R30m) – Polokwane and Lenyenye. 12 Budget pressures and backlogs cont.
Way forward Due to the importance of infrastructure delivery to improve infrastructure planning and implementation, the Department has intensified its project management unit by: – Intensifying project monitoring and evaluation; – Ensure projects are delivered in time incl. appropriate quality (within the allocated budget); – Weekly site meeting with contractors; – In-house weekly project progress meetings and – Technical site meetings/inspections. Started with planning for the 2012/13 financial year 13
Recommendations Portfolio Committee to note: the funding limitations to sustain the DRT job creation initiatives and projects; the backlogs in the road network and Road maintenance machinery; that efforts are being made to deal with the shocking state of 102 bridges in the short term emergency bridge repair projects 14
Recommendations cont. Portfolio Committee to note: the postponement of Traffic facilities (DLTC’s, Multipurpose centres) as this will affect the services we deliver to our people 15