CEMA Representing the European Agricultural Machinery Industry Dr Gilles Dryancour CEMA – President
24 November 2011Page 2 The European agricultural machinery industry ► 4,500 manufacturers ► 21 billion Euro production value (2010) ► EU Export 23 % ► EU world share 34 % ► 250,000 Employees ► 135,000 persons employed directly ► 125,000 persons additional in the distribution network and maintenance ► 450 different machine types
24 November 2011Page 3 Markets / legislation / innovation
24 November 2011Page 4 ISSUES FOR THE SECTOR: ► Costs initiated by legislation is higher than those triggered by the market ► Tractors have type approval and therefore an inherent market control system. However the possibility to non-authorised repairers, to have access to repair and maintenance information, will make the need of market control even more crucial. ► Parts’ production markets, shifting outside the EU, make counterfeiting a higher threat. Markets / legislation / innovation
CEMA aisbl Boulevard A. Reyers 80 BE – 1030 Brussels Website: