“It’s the most important sentence of your entire essay!” THE THESIS
THESIS It’s a statement, not a question; it’s one grammatically correct sentence, simple or complex. (Note: this will change in college.) It can be proven; it’s not a simple fact. It must be proven in the course of your writing. Think “HYPOthesis”: the body of your essay is the “experiment” to “prove” your thesis. It’s the organizing sentence for your entire essay. The essay is all about it and nothing else. It should include basic information about your topic: name the major character or idea. It typically appears at the end of the introduction paragraph. (Note: this will change in college.)
THESIS It is specific and focused. Avoid being vague/too general; avoid taking on too much to cover in your essay. Instead of “everything about jazz music,” focus on “American jazz music in the 1930s” with your argument about it. Think of the thesis as your map to guide you through your essay. You should come back to it again and again to make sure that is “where” you are going on your “trip.” It will clearly assert your own ideas and conclusions based on the evidence. NOTE: During the course of your writing, you may change your opinion. If so, go back and change your thesis to match it! It anticipates and refutes any counter-arguments about your topic. It acknowledges that other opinions than yours exist. It avoids vague language (like “it seems”). It avoids first person (“I believe,” “In my opinion”).
THESIS It can be in draft form just like the rest of your writing. When you are finished, you should proofread your work, and then check to see if your thesis still matches the body of your paper. If it does not, change it so it does. THESIS = ESSAY CONTENT.