Hoover and the Depression Chapter 22 Section 3 Notes
Hoover Reacts to the Depression Depression is a regular thing Gov’t should play a limited role Opposed direct government relief –Rugged Individualism –Weakens self-respect and moral fiber –Charities should help –This angered people
Hoover takes cautious Steps Asked Employers –Not to cut wages, fire people Asked Workers –Not to strike or ask for higher wages
Boulder Dam Colorado River Helps out 7 States –Flood Control –Electricity –Water for L.A. and Las Vegas Renamed Hoover Dam THIS IS REALLY COOL, I SAW IT IN PERSON!
Democrats win in 1930 Election Angry Americans –Farmers burnt crops and dumped milk –Some refused to work –Hoovervilles, Hoover Blankets and Hoover Flags –Hoover continued to refuse welfare
Hoover Takes Actions Federal Home Loan Bank Act –Lowered mortgage rates –Saved farms from being foreclosed Reconstruction Finance Corporation –Emergency financing for companies –Money will “Trickle Down” to the common person
Patman Bill Denied Bonus Army –20,000 veterans of WWI Patman Bill –Bill called for immediate payment to veterans Voted Down by Senate –Hoover opposed the bill –Senate votes No
Hoover Gases Bonus Army Asked to leave D.C. 2,000 Stay Army is sent out –Douglas Macarthur and Dwight D. Eisenhower –Gas and Burn down Bonus Army Camps –2 killed, hundred injured