Chapter 5 Legislative Branch
Congress Bicameral = two houses Senate House of Representatives Law-making body
Bicameral Why do we need two houses of Congress?
Answer Bicameral Congress provides fair representation: –Senate = every state has 2 senators –House of Rep = based on pop of state
House of Representatives Based on Population 435 members Every 10 years a census determines how many rep. each state has Apportioned= how seats are given 2 year term
Districts Voters elect rep. from their districts District lines are supposed to be drawn equally Gerrymandering is the practice of drawing district lines to favor one party or group
Senate Smaller house = 2 from each state 6 year term Elected in Nov. of even number years 1/3 of Senators are up for election every two years If die, governor appoints new Senator
Term Limits Idea that Congressmen should be limited to a certain amount of times they can serve. Found to be Unconstitutional
Requirements: House of Representatives years old 2. U.S. citizen for at least 7 years 3. Legal resident of the state they represent
Requirements of Senate years old 2. citizen for 9 years 3. Legal resident of the state they represent
$$$$$ and benefits Salary= $165,200 yearly Free trips to home states Provide office staff Franking privilege= mail for free Immunity= cannot be arrested going to or coming from meeting of Congress
Rules of Conduct Congress may refuse to seat someone Congressmen must follow a code of conduct Expulsion= permanent removal Censure= formal disapproval, must stand before Congress and hear charges
Review ????s 1. How old do you have to be to be a Senator? Representative? 2. What does Bicameral mean? 3. How many members are in the House of Rep? Senate?
Review ??????s 4. What helps decide how many rep each state has? 5. What is gerrymandering 6. How much do Congressmen get paid?
Review ????S 7. What can happen when a Congressmen behave inappropriately? 8. What happens when a Senator dies? 9. What is franking privileges?
Chapter 5 Section 2 Page 140
Terms and Sessions Begins January 3 rd of ODD number years Sessions means meeting of Congress Special session is sometimes called by the President to solve a crisis Joint session is when House and Senate meet together
Organization of Congress House selects presiding officer Vice President is the President of the Senate Senate selects leader if VP is absent –Who is the Speaker of the House?
Organization (cont) Caucuses are meetings that choose the leaders of the party Major party is the party with the most members Pro tempore is the president of the Senate when VP is absent Floor leaders are leaders of the party Whips help party leaders
Committees Standing committees = main committees Sub committees = review info and report to standing committee Every committee has a chairperson
Speaker of the House Becomes President if Pres. and VP die Decides what issue is called on and what order of business the House looks at. Member of the majority party and selected by peers
Review ????s 1. What is the person that helps the majority leaders called? 2. What committees are permanent? 3. The party with the most members is called?
Review ???s 4. Session when the House and Senate meet together is? 5. Who becomes President if the Pres. and VP dies? 6. Who is the President of the Senate if the VP is absent?
POP Quiz Answer the following questions on a blank sheet of paper: 1. How old do you have to be to be a Senator? 2. How old do you have to be to be a Representative? 3. When was the last census taken? 4. What is the right of congressmen to mail for free called? 5. What is drawing district lines to favor one party or group called?
Chapter 5 Section 3 Page 143 Powers of Congress
Congressional Power Delegated Powers = power given to Congress in the Constitution Article 1 Section 8
Delegated Powers 1. Financing the government = Congress has the power to raise and collect taxes, borrow money, and print and coin money.
Question: What are some things that the government pays for?
Delegated Powers 2. Regulate and Encourage American Trade and Industry = pass laws to protect inventors and regulate trade. Why is this an important power?
Delegated Powers 3. Defend Country = power to declare war and maintain the military What countries are we currently fighting conflicts in?
Delegated Powers 4. Creating Lower Courts = set up national courts to enforce laws. What is the highest court in the U.S.?
Delegated Powers 5. Providing for growth = regulate immigration and naturalization and the admission of new states
Implied Powers Necessary and Proper Clause = in the Constitution that Congress has the duty to enact laws that are needed. Congress often stretches this power to include other areas this is called the elastic clause.
Impeachment Power Impeach = to accuse officeholder of misconduct Congress can impeach the President and Federal officials. Impeachment begins in the House and trial in Senate – 2/3 must find guilty
Impeachment Treason = act that betrays the country Only 2 presidents have been impeached: William Clinton and Andrew Johnson
Special Powers: House –All bills for raising $, called appropriations must begin in House –Impeach public officials –Chooses President if no candidate has 270 Electoral votes
Special Powers Senate –Impeachment trial –Choose VP –Approves treaties –High officials must be approved
Limits on Power Reserved Powers: Powers given to states, conduct elections, create and administer schools, establish marriage laws. What did the people of California decide about marriage in the 2008 election?
PAGE 146 List of Limits on Power
Review ???s 1. What clause says that Congress has a duty to pass laws? 2. Where does the impeachment process start? 3. What % must find an official guilty of impeachment?
Review ???s 4. How many electoral votes does a candidate need to be president? 5. What two presidents have been impeached?
Chapter 5 Section 4 –page 148
How a Bill becomes a Law 1. Congress considers a bill = the bill is assigned letters and #S and printed in the Congressional Record –Bill ideas come from citizens, lawmakers, the president, and other groups
Bill to Law 2. Bill is sent to committee –Standing committee = permanent committee reviews and send bill to subcommittee to research and propose changes.
Bill to Law 3. House Acts on Bill –Speaker of the House determines when bill will be debated and voted on –There is a time limit for debate –Vote if there is a majority of attendance, quorum, passes if majority approve
Bill to Law 4. Senate Acts on Bill –No time limit for debate so can talk endlessly so bill will not be voted on, called a filibuster –To end a filibuster need 3/5 vote called cloture
Conference Committee Sometimes 2 versions of a bill get passed, when this happens a conference committee is held with equal representatives from the House and Senate
Bill to Law 5. President Acts on Bill (3 options) –Sign bill into law –Veto bill = can be reversed (overturned) by 2/3 vote in Congress –Pocket Veto = President keeps bill for 10 days, if Congress is in session then it becomes law but if Congress is out of session it is vetoed
Review ???s