Abolitionist Movement Both the and the led to the Abolitionist Movement GradualistsImmediatists How to end slavery?
Abolitionist Movement Until 1820s most abolitionists advocated resettlement created Member certificate to American Colonization Society “Here I have dwelt until I am nearly sixty years of age, and have brought up and educated a family…Yet some ingenious gentlemen have recently discovered that I am still an African; that a continent three thousand miles, and more, from the place where I was born, is my native country. And I am advised to go home…Perhaps if I should only be set on the shore of that distant land, I should recognize all I might see there, and run at once to the old hut where my forefathers lived a hundred years ago.”
Anti-Slavery Alphabet
William Lloyd Garrison ( ) Massachusetts newspaper editor Slavery was a moral, not an economic issue Founded in 1831
The Liberator Premiere issue - January 1, 1831
The Tree of Slavery—Loaded with the Sum of All Villanies!
Other White Abolitionists Lewis Tappan Arthur Tappan James Birney Liberty Party Ran for President in 1840 & 1844
Black Abolitionists David Walker ( ) 1829 Appeal to the Coloured Citizens of the World Fight for freedom rather than wait to be set free by whites
Frederick Douglass ( ) 1845 The Narrative of the Life Of Frederick Douglass 1847 published
Sojourner Truth ( ) or Isabella Baumfree 1850 The Narrative of Sojourner Truth
( ) Helped over 300 slaves to freedom $40,000 bounty on her head Served as a Union spy during the Civil War “Moses”
The Underground Railroad
“Conductor” ==== leader of the escape “Passengers” ==== escaping slaves “Tracks” ==== routes “Trains” ==== farm wagons transporting the escaping slaves “Depots” ==== safe houses to rest/sleep
Turner’s Rebellion Led by Nat Turner Virginia whites killed in the revolt 200+ blacks killed –56 executed (including Turner) – killed by militias and mobs Results: –
Slave Owners Defend Slavery –Ex. Servants should obey their masters –Slaves benefited from Christianity –Greece, Rome, Egypt –Paternalism of slaveowner –Compared to “wage slaves” in the North “ ” not just a “necessary evil” “ ” –In response to numerous abolitionist petitions, Congress was prevented from discussing slavery