Professional Development G-7 Enlisted Training FM 7-22.7 THE ARMY NONCOMMISSIONED OFFICER GUIDE Chapter 4 Training
Professional Development G-7 Enlisted Training NCOs Lay the Foundation in Training *State Active Duty (SAD) Focus *Mission Essential Task List *Selection of Platoon and Squad Collective Tasks *Selection of Leader and Soldier Tasks
Professional Development G-7 Enlisted Training State Active Duty (SAD) Focus is a concept used to determine training requirements for active missions. Leaders selectively identify and train those tasks that accomplish the unit's SAD mission.
Professional Development G-7 Enlisted Training Mission Essential Task List The METL is the focal point for planning, execution and assessment of training. NCOs link the collective mission essential tasks and the leader and soldier tasks that support them.
Professional Development G-7 Enlisted Training SELECTION OF PLATOON AND SQUAD COLLECTIVE TASKS From the company mission and METL, the Plt Ldr and Plt SGT determine their collective tasks. The Plt Ldr and Plt SGT assist the squad leaders in determining the squad tasks to accomplish the platoon collective tasks.
Professional Development G-7 Enlisted Training SELECTION OF LEADER AND SOLDIER TASKS Unit leaders select soldier tasks to support squad and platoon collective tasks. The CSM and key NCOs review and refine the supporting soldier tasks for each skill level.
Professional Development G-7 Enlisted Training Solider to be Trained 1SG PSG Sqd Ldr Plt Ldr Soldier Task Selection CSM 1SG PSG Sqd Ldr Tm Ldr Review Co. Cdr Plt Ldr/Co. Cdr Plt Ldr/1SG PSG/Plt Ldr Sqd Ldr/PSG Approve Bn Cdr Bn Cdr Co. Cdr Co. Cdr Plt Ldr
Professional Development G-7 Enlisted Training Leaders Role in Training Planning Preparation Execution Standards
Professional Development G-7 Enlisted Training Planning Short-range planning is based on the long-range unit assessment and on a detailed training assessment of the unit's current METL proficiency. It focuses on training deficiencies that impact on the unit's ability to perform its wartime mission.
Professional Development G-7 Enlisted Training PREPARATION Proper preparation gives trainers confidence in their ability to train. Leaders must rehearse their preparations and review the tasks and subtasks to be covered during their training.
Professional Development G-7 Enlisted Training Execution The execution of training to standard is the payoff for all other phases of training management. SAD focused leaders ensure that planned training is started on time and executed to standard. Leaders assess soldier, leader and unit performance throughout the execution phase.
Professional Development G-7 Enlisted Training Standards Leaders emphasize accomplishing training to standard by identifying the Army standard and, more importantly, by demanding that soldiers meet those standards.
Professional Development G-7 Enlisted Training OTHER LEADER CONCERNS IN TRAINING Realism Safety Sergeant's time Training Opportunity Training Drills
Professional Development G-7 Enlisted Training Realism Units should train in peacetime as they will serve during SAD. Peacetime training must replicate emergency conditions as closely as resources permit.
Professional Development G-7 Enlisted Training Safety Leaders must ensure realistic training is safe; safety awareness protects SAD capabilities and raises awareness that will save lives while on SAD. The goal of the chain of command is not training first nor safety first, but training safely.
Professional Development G-7 Enlisted Training SERGEANT’S TIME TRAINING Some training time during each drill should be devoted to the small-unit leader (such as a squad leader or a team leader) to train his unit. This enhances readiness and cohesion; it also allows the junior NCO to learn and exercise the Army's training management system at the lowest level.
Professional Development G-7 Enlisted Training OPPORTUNITY TRAINING Unscheduled breaks in exercises, or while waiting for transportation, provide time for opportunity training. Creative, aggressive leaders use this time to sustain the skills of their soldiers and units.
Professional Development G-7 Enlisted Training Drills Drills provide small units standard procedures for building strong, aggressive units. Drills are limited to situations requiring instantaneous response; therefore, soldiers must execute drills instinctively. This results from continual practice.
Professional Development G-7 Enlisted Training Assessments Assessment Tools Training Meetings
Professional Development G-7 Enlisted Training Assessment Tools NCOs may use a leader book and SAD roster to assess section, squad, crew and soldier tasks. After-Action Review (AAR) is a structured review process that allows training participants to discover for themselves what happened, why it happened and how it can be done better.
Professional Development G-7 Enlisted Training Training Meetings The focus at battalion and company is in scheduling training based on commanders’ assessments. The platoon meetings focus on the actual preparation, rehearsal and execution of upcoming training.
Professional Development G-7 Enlisted Training Conclusion Training is the most important job that any NCO has to do, we must understand and continue to set the Standard. The best way to take care of your soldiers is to train them well.
Professional Development G-7 Enlisted Training Virginia Defense Force FM 7-22.7 Chapter 4 Training
Professional Development G-7 Enlisted Training