WorkWORLD & WISAs A system geared toward an outcome of self-sufficiency
Virginia’s Approach This presentation will demonstrate Virginia’s successful outcome based approach to employment and self sufficiency for clients on SSI/SSDI.
Positive Employment Outcomes Virginia finds that the combination of WorkWORLD and Work Incentives Specialists (WISAs) leads to positive employment outcomes.
Dual Strategies Our approach uses dual strategies. WorkWORLD, which calculates and uses both federal and state work incentives and eligibility calculations to provide an accurate analysis and side by side “what ifs;” And WISAs (work incentive specialist advocates) that work with the client to create an analysis that shows current and future actions.
WW Addresses Issues of Trust It is Person Centered planning that allows people to dream about where they might be in 5 years. Clients can understand what will happen to their benefits when they go to work and ultimately reach self sufficiency.
Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services made the decision to train staff as WISAs embedded within Ticket to Work partnership plus Employment Networks. Created an anchor service for clients to tap into future services post VR closure as needed through the Ticket to Work Program.
What is a WISA Work Incentive Specialist Advocate (WISA)with credentials through Cornell University or certification as a community work incentive coordinator through VCU. Fee for service vendor with DARS 10 services can be authorized on behalf of a DARS client WISA’s provide a safety net to support a client’s choice to go to work
WISA program in Virginia the beginning Work Incentive Specialist Advocate program began in Virginia in 2006 Initially funded through the Medicaid Infrastructure Grant Goal was to create a safety net to support an individuals choice to go to work DARS would pay for outcomes not advice
Evidence of VR Success Virginia has identified that counselors who utilize work incentives with their consumers have an 75% successful closure rates as compared to 41% for the same population when no work incentives are used. Data includes over1,300 cases closed to the agency
Capacity building the numbers SFY authorized services through 8 service providers SFY services 7 providers SFY services 17 providers SFY services 27 providers(34 staff) SFY 2015 YTD 2,700 + services 28 providers(68 staff)
Specific Work Incentive Services WorkWORLD Analysis Benefit Planning Query (BPQY) Student Earned Income Exclusion 1619(b) Medicaid Works Individual Development Accounts Plan to Achieve Self Support Impairment Related Work Expense Subsidy Blind Work Expense Overpayments
Continuous Improvements Work Incentive Specialist position WorkWORLD is now web based Work Incentive Manual Additional trainings developed
Expectations for the future # of authorizations will continue to increase Success rates will remain consistent More organizations will add WISAs to their staff Additional opportunities for WISA’s to vend these services to other agencies
Collaboration The strategy is collaborative, includes all members of the client’s “Team,” and a planning guide that is a stand alone document; Compared to the CWIC program which answers what you need to know until you hit the next hurdle.
Youth in Transition WorkWORLD works well with Project Search and engages parents in the planning process. WorkWORLD promotes the use of Student Earned Income Exclusions
Career Pathways For all clients, the WorkWORLD summary and analysis includes a roadmap (what they must do to move to the next level of employment), real time labor market data, and therefore a Career Pathway.
Autonomy The process is powerful. You are able to: give the client the information they need, how to use that information, the reality that you are here to support them; Provide them with the understanding that they have autonomy for action.
Who are Users In Virginia, WorkWORLD is used by employment networks, CILS, CSBs, DBVI and VR. The DRCs in Round 2 and 4 of the DEI project have also been certified as WISAs, bringing the process into the Workforce Centers. We have continually refined our process to focus on employment and careers.
WISAs and the Analysis WISAs are required to provide a comprehensive analysis that includes side by side comparisons and labor market data. The stand alone document can be shared with the clients advocates.
A Collaborative Approach Our process is a proactive attempt to involve as many people as possible, so that the collaboration between client, WISA, counselor, and client advocates creates an energy, and results in a unique system of support for clients.
Person-Centered Person centered planning Sit in conversation with client for 30 minutes Are able to print out a stand alone report showing where we need to be
Thank You! For additional information or questions – David Leon, Ticket to Work Coordinator – –