Building Minds an after school tutoring company for preschool and elementary aged children Team Ron Kennedy, Christie Robbins, & Duy Tran Sponsor: Sheila Payne - President
Business Problem Imperative that we offer diverse methods of teaching that cater to the different learning styles of each child Currently limited to flash cards and workbooks Need more advanced solutions that provide: –Variety of ways to present data –Introduce and acclimate our students to learning and performing in a technological environment
Proposed Solution Create a client-side, windows based, Visual Basic application that allows an elementary school student to practice basic math, reading, and colors The application will utilize a text file to store information There will be at a minimum eight (8) primary forms that make up the program
Splash Screen Category: Opening Screen Purpose – To identify application upon launch
Login Prompts Category: Opening Screen/Form Purpose – Collect userID and password from a user and verify against info stored in text file FieldTypeSizeDefaultComments UserIDText10None PasswordText8NoneDisplay as *
A text file that stores students username and password in order to validate access into the system First field is username Second field is password Field type is text (string) Login.txt j_doe abc123 c_robbins efg123 rkennedy hij123
Main Menu Category: Opening Screen Purpose – Main screen that provides an interface into each module of the application
Hierarchy Diagram
Color Interface Category: Form Purpose – An interface that allows a student to practice colors identification and enhance reading skills
Animal Interface Category: Form Purpose – An interface that allows a student to practice animal identification and enhance reading skills
Math Interface Category: Form Purpose – To test/enhance math skills by allowing the student to enter a numeric answer to a math problem FieldTypeSizeDefaultComments AnswerText10None
Display Result Category: Report Purpose – To provide progress/success feedback to the student after a module has been completed Student ID: j_doe Number of Questions Completed: 10 Number of Answers Correct: 10 Score: 100% Great Job!
Optional – Possibly add “about” under help on the top menu About the Application Category: Form