BI Marketing Analyst input into report marketing Report TitleElectricity in Madagascar Report SubtitleCountry profile of power market trends and investment opportunities Report Code Publication DateJanuary 2014 Report TypeEnergy Report Size Pages26 Tables8 Figures7 Report Details
BI Marketing Analyst input into report marketing Table of Contents
BI Marketing Analyst input into report marketing List of Tables
BI Marketing Analyst input into report marketing Section 1: Front Page Lead Graphic and Quote Figure 2.2 Figure 3: Madagascar installed capacity by type (MW) The breakdown of installed capacity in Madagascar by type is presented in Figure 3. Jirama has 105MW of hydropower capacity, a fleet that has not changed since 1982 when the 58MW Andekaleka plant was built. Most of the company’s hydro plants serve the capital, Antananarivo, and its surrounding region where 6 hydropower facilities including Andekaleka and the 24MW Mandraka plant, supply 94MW of capacity. Another 6 smaller hydro plants serve the two other main regions.
BI Marketing Analyst input into report marketing Section 2: Introduction, market background and USPs Madagascar has one of the lowest levels of access to electric power in the world. The country has significant resources of hydropower, wind power and some geothermal potential, and although there is sufficient hydropower capacity to supply just over half its demand, little capacity has been added in the past 25 years. Instead the state utility, Jirama, has been forced to rely increasingly on diesel-fired engines to meet demand, and the country now has in the region of 100 such plants. These include both plants built by the utility, and others that have been leased. There are also a number of independent power producers, providing power to the grid. Madagascar could attract support from a number of international agencies, but all projects have been placed on hold since democratic rule was overturned in If a return to democracy is completed in 2013, then international investors may return. In the meantime Jirama is operating at a loss, with tariffs not matching the cost of production, and has little resources to invest either in additional generating capacity or in extension of the limited grid system.
BI Marketing Analyst input into report marketing Section 3: Key features of this report An overview of the electricity market in Madagascar. Power supply data covering production, imports and exports and the main production sources. Power demand data by market sector and tariff data. An overview of the structure of the electricity sector with government and private sector companies as well as the regulatory status. Power demand forecasts and the development of the power sector to meet expected growth. Transmission system expansion plans.
BI Marketing Analyst input into report marketing Section 4: Key benefits from reading this report What are the key energy resources in Madagascar for power production. How is the country overcoming the effects of power shortage? What are the key developments in electricity infrastructure? Who are the key players in market? What are the investment opportunities in the country?
BI Marketing Analyst input into report marketing Section 5: Key Market Issues This report is a Country Profile, covering:- Power generation capacity by fuel input Electricity networks Current power market trends Generation growth Investment opportunities Future project plans
BI Marketing Analyst input into report marketing Section 6: Key findings of this report 1.Consumption is currently 17,480 barrels/day. 2.For the past thirty to forty years, the main source of electric power in Madagascar has been hydropower. 3.There are around 100 thermal power plants in total. 4.The plant at Andaingo burns eucalyptus from the town’s managed eucalyptus plantations, and its construction was supported by the European Union. 5.There is no national grid system, but the state company operates three small interconnected systems around the three major urban centres of Antananarivo (the capital), Toamasina and Fianarantsoa.
BI Marketing Analyst input into report marketing Section 7: Key questions answered by this report 1.How does Madagascar generate its electricity? 2.What is the status of the national electricity market? 3.What are the key developments in electricity infrastructure? 4.Who are the key players in market? 5.What are the future prospects for investment in Madagascar?
BI Marketing Analyst input into report marketing Section 8: Key areas covered by the report Key products/categories profiled: Energy Electricity in Madagascar – Country profile of power market trends and investment opportunities Key regions/countries covered: Africa - Madagascar
BI Marketing Analyst input into report marketing Section 9: Research methodology Methodology: Secondary research This has been conducted by Paul Breeze – an energy specialist for 28 years. He has gathered together an unique set of studies and research papers. In all, the report cites over 30 separate sources.
BI Marketing Analyst input into report marketing Section 10: Author biography and contact details Name: Dr Paul Breeze Biography: Dr Paul Breeze has specialized in the electricity sector for the past 28 years. He is contributing editor for the monthly international magazine for the power industry, Modern Power Systems, and as freelance writer he has contributed to The Financial Times, The Guardian, The Daily Telegraph, The Observer and The Economist. In addition to the power sector, Paul Breeze’s interests include science and the computer industry.