UNEP-GEF Project In situ conservation of crop wild relatives through enhanced information management and field application An International Collaborative.


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Presentation transcript:

UNEP-GEF Project In situ conservation of crop wild relatives through enhanced information management and field application An International Collaborative Project

Key problems for CWR conservation Dispersed information Decision making/ priority setting procedures Lack of coordination between actors Crop Wild Relatives are poorly conserved at present

Goal of the Project Safe and effective conservation of crop wild relatives and their increased availability for crop improvement

Country Partners Armenia Bolivia Madagascar Sri Lanka Uzbekistan


Objectives Development objective Improved global food security through effective conservation of crop wild relatives (CWR). Immediate objective Enhanced conservation status of selected CWR in Armenia, Bolivia, Madagascar, Sri Lanka and Uzbekistan.

Outputs Output 1 An internationally accessible Information system available through the internet that allows access, processing and utilization of crop wild relatives information.

Knowledge is power

International Organizations Contributions BGCI FAO IPGRI: Singer SSC - Species Information Service IUCN: SSC - Species Information Service WCMC

Outputs Output 2 Operational national information systems that allow the efficient collection, management, analysis, and presentation of CWR information.

Bring together available data on: Species distribution and characteristics Ex situ conserved material In situ conserved material Protected areas Socio-economic data (population growth, accessibility by roads, etc.)

Outputs Output 3 Enhanced capacity to apply information management technologies in planning for in situ conservation of crop wild relatives.

Outputs Output 4 Increased knowledge and public awareness of value of crop wild relatives.

Project Staff at IPGRI Dr Toby Hodgkin, Principal Scientist Dr Annie Lane, Project Coordinator Ms Imke Thormann, Programme Specialist Ms Amy Flynn, Programme Assistant with the support of Regional Offices staff