Become an expert on South Africa and its Neighbors
The Great Escarpment kGroup of mountains and cliffs in South Africa
Drakensberg Mountains kMountai n range in South Africa
Witwatersrand kWorld’s largest and richest gold field
Afrikaners kDutch German and French settlers in Africa kInvented Afrikaans language kDutch German and French settlers in Africa kInvented Afrikaans language
Cape Town kCapital City of South Africa
Johannesburg kLarge City in South Africa
African Ethnic groups in South Africa kSotho kZulu kXhosa kSotho kZulu kXhosa
Kongo kKingdom that ruled a large part of northern Angola in the 1400s
Angola kAbout 70% of people practice the Roman Catholic religion
Zambia kLandlocked kLinked to cities and ports by highways kLandlocked kLinked to cities and ports by highways
Lusaka kCapital city of Zambia
Okavango kMajor river in Botswana
Gaborone kCapital city of Botswana
Zimbabwe kTropical savannah climate (wet and dry seasons) kThe Shona built Great Zimbabwe, a famous trading center, in the 1400s kTropical savannah climate (wet and dry seasons) kThe Shona built Great Zimbabwe, a famous trading center, in the 1400s
Kalahari kLargest desert in South Africa, runs along Namibia’s Atlantic coast
Madagascar kIsland country of southern Africa that has plants and wildlife such as Lemurs found in no other country in the world
Mauritius kIsland country with most ancestry to India
Malawai kSmall kDensely populated (9.5 million people) kSmall kDensely populated (9.5 million people)