(ecology: the study of the relationships between organisms (living things) and their environment)
RankCountryFootprint (gha) 4Miss. Iantorno(5.04)1.4 = 7.1 1Déjana(6)1.4 = 8.4 3Madi(5.5)1.4 = 7.7 5Ula(4.10)1.4 = 5.7 7Brianne(4.01)1.4 = 5.6 6Klaudia(4.6)1.4 = Cam(5.6)1.4 = 7.8 2Scott(5.6)1.4 = 7.9 Class Average:7.8 (+6.4!) Ecological Footprints
RankCountryFootprint (gha) 1United Arab Emerites USA12.22 Our Class7.8 9Canada United Kingdom Japan Costa Rica China Guatemala = 1.4 = 119Madagascar Haiti Bangladesh0.6 Ecological Footprints
A moderate business-as-usual scenario, based on United Nations projections of slow, steady growth of economies and populations, suggests that by 2050, humanity’s demand on nature will be twice the biosphere’s productive capacity. Dr. Albert Bartlett – The Exponential Function