1 Welcome to the Career Academy Development Workshop Miami Dade County Public Schools December 7, 2009 Alonso and Tracy Mourning High School Biscayne Bay Campus MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS CHOICE PLAN
2 Overview of the workshop: MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS CHOICE PLAN General Session with keynote presentations Round Robin Discussions: CEO Internship, CAPE academies, Industry Certification, Career Pathways and Post Secondary Transition, and Master Scheduling Computer Lab: Complete SSR information for data base, review academy tables and websites, and ePEP.
3 Purpose of the workshop: MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS CHOICE PLAN Acknowledge the work that high schools have accomplished to date in developing career academies. Provide new and additional information in order for schools to move their reform plans and programs to higher levels of implementation and effectiveness.
4 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS CHOICE PLAN “Originally conceived forty years ago, career academies address academic rigor, relevance of instruction, and build relationships between students and adults. Career academies have thrived because of their dual objectives of career and college preparation, the broad section of students they serve, the evidence of their success, and the deep relationship between research and practice.” “High School Career Academies: A 40 Year Proven Model for Improving College and Career Readiness” By Betsy Brand (November 2009)
5 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS CHOICE PLAN “A career academy is commonly defined as a smaller learning community (SLC) within a larger high school which: It is comprised of a group of students that takes classes together for at least two years and is taught by a team of teachers from different disciplines. Provides college preparatory curriculum based on a career theme that helps students see relationships and connections between academic subjects and their application in the real world of work and a specific career pathway. Develops partnerships with employers, the community, and colleges which draws upon their resources and increases opportunities for students to engage in internships and work-based learning and provides adult mentors to motivate students and spur achievement.” (Also from Betsy Brand article: “High School Career Academies”)
6 What should be implemented? MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS CHOICE PLAN Freshmen Academy and Ninth Grade Transition Course Career Academies that begin in 9 th or 10 th grade Academy courses follow course sequences outlined in Academy Tables Master Schedules 9 th grade students scheduled in cohorts as part of the Freshmen Academy 10 th -12 th grade students scheduled, where possible, in cohorts by academies with common teachers Common planning
7 What should be implemented? MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS CHOICE PLAN Opportunities for Students to Participate in Internships CEO - (please refer to sheet in folder) OJT NAF HEIP Industry Certification Exams (ICEs) Earning college credit through Advanced Placement courses Dual Enrollment courses Career Pathways courses Completion of Capstone/Senior Projects
8 What should be implemented? MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS CHOICE PLAN Subject Selection Sheets Developed by academy and by grade level Indicate honors, AP, Dual Enrollment, Career Pathways courses Indicate industry certification CEO Internship course, and other internships Curriculum Bulletins and School Websites reflect Academies, internship and post secondary opportunities