Scatter plot of minimum pressure and maximum azimuthal wind for Atlantic and Eastern Pacific tropical cyclones ( Hurricane Isaac 2012 [red]). Figure adapted from: Knaff & Zehr, 2007, Weather Forecasting, 22,
Global storm count: ~90 per year
Locations of tropical cyclone genesis in January
Locations of tropical cyclone genesis in February
Locations of tropical cyclone genesis in March
Locations of tropical cyclone genesis in April
Locations of tropical cyclone genesis in May
Locations of tropical cyclone genesis in June
Locations of tropical cyclone genesis in July
Locations of tropical cyclone genesis in August
Locations of tropical cyclone genesis in September
Locations of tropical cyclone genesis in October
Locations of tropical cyclone genesis in November
Locations of tropical cyclone genesis in December
Locations of tropical cyclone genesis
Seasonal cycle of tropical cyclogenesis Northern Hemisphere solid Southern Hemisphere dashed
Hawkins, H. F., and D. T. Rubsam, 1968: “Hurricane Hilda, Part II: Structure and budgets of the hurricane on October 1, Monthly Weather Review, 96,
Number of storms ( ) by basin
Number of storms ( ) in Northern Hemisphere (red) And Atlantic and North Pacific only (blue)
Atlantic Main Development Region SST (ASO mean) and power dissipation (whole season, whole basin) filter applied to smooth interannual variability