Laughter Is the Best Medicine You laugh when you’re happy. And when you’re happy, you are likely to be healthier. That was proved by the writer of Norman.


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Presentation transcript:

Laughter Is the Best Medicine You laugh when you’re happy. And when you’re happy, you are likely to be healthier. That was proved by the writer of Norman Cousins. Cousins wrote a book that described a serious illness he had. He explained the part that laughter played in helping him to get well again. Just for Laugh

1. be likely to 可能 You laugh when you’re happy. And when you’re happy, you are likely to be healthier. 你笑, 當你快樂時. 而當你快 樂時, 你可能更健康. 2. Be proved by 被證實 That was proved by the writer of Norman Cousins. 這被 Norman 作家證實了. 3. A book that… 關代修飾 book 4. Illness (that) he had Cousins wrote a book that described a serious illness he had. Cousins 寫了一本書描述他 得到的一種嚴重的病. 5. That part that… 關代修飾 part 6. Play the part 扮演 … 部分 7. In helping… 在幫助 … 方面 He explained the part that laughter played in helping him to get well again. 他解釋笑在幫助他康復方面扮 演一部分.

Cousins was not an old man when he became very ill. His body hurt and it was hard for him to move around. His head ached and it was difficult for him to concentrate. Finally, he went to see a doctor. He was told that his illness would become more and more serious. His chances of survival were just one in fifty. Laughing for Better Health

Cousins was not an old man when he became very ill. Cousins 當他生病嚴重時, 並不 是一個老人. 1. it…for+ 人 …to V… His body hurt and it was hard for him to move around. 他的身體痛, 而對他來說, 到處 走動是很難的. His head ached and it was difficult for him to concentrate. 他的頭痛, 而對他來說, 專注是 很難的. Finally, he went to see a doctor. 最後, 他去看醫生. 2. Be told 被告知 3. Become serious He was told that his illness would become more and more serious. 他被告知他的病將變得越來越 嚴重. 4. One in fifty 五十分之一 His chances of survival were just one in fifty. 他存活的機會只是五十分之一.

But Cousins was determined to overcome his disease. He spent long hours researching about his problem. He learned that a person’s emotions have a direct effect on his or her physical well-being. Negative emotions are harmful to the body. Positive emotions, on the other hand, produce positive physical changes. Cousins thought that laughter, confidence, love, hope, and the will to live might help him overcome his disease.

1. Be determined to 決心... But Cousins was determined to overcome his disease. 但 Cousins 決心要 克服他的疾病. 2. spend…Ving He spent long hours researching about his problem. 他花了長時間研 究有關他的問題. 3. Effect on… 對 … 有影響 He learned that a person’s emotions have a direct effect on his or her physical well-being. 他學到一個人的情緒對他或她的身體健 康有直接的影響.

1. On the other hand 另一 方面 Negative emotions, on the other hand, produce positive physical changes. 另一方面, 負面的情緒產 生不好的身體的改變. 2. Will to live 求生意志 Cousins thought that laughter, confidence, love, hope, and the will to live might help him overcome his disease. Cousins 認為, 笑, 自信, 愛, 希望, 和求生意志可能幫 助他克服他的疾病. There is a new way to laugh

And so he started his “laugh therapy.” Every day he spent hours reading funny books, watching comedies, and doing other things to bring about laughter and positive emotions. Within eight days of starting his therapy, his pain decreased. Also, he was able to go to sleep more easily than before. After a few months, he was able to return to work. Finally, he completely recovered.

And so he started his “laugh therapy.” 所以他開始他 的笑的療法. 1.spend…Ving 2.2. bring about 促成 3.Reading…wa tching…and doing… Every day he spent hours reading funny books, watching comedies, and doing other things to bring about laughter and positive emotions. 每一天, 他花幾個小時讀有趣的書, 看喜劇, 和做 其他事情以帶來笑和正面的情緒.

1. Within 介詞 Within eight days of starting his therapy, his pain decreased. 在開始他的治療的 八天之內, 他的痛 減少了. 2. Be able to 能夠 3. Than before 比以 前 Also, he was able to go to sleep more easily than before. 同樣地, 他能比以 前更容易睡著. After a few months, he was able to return to work. 幾個月後, 他可以回去工作. Finally, he completely recovered. 最後, 他完全康復.

Laughter worked for Cousins, but will it work for others? Well, the answer is not clear yet, but they will surely have a lot of fun trying. How Does Laughter Improve HealthHow Does Laughter Improve Health

1. Work for 對 … 有效 Laughter worked for Cousins, but will it work for others? 笑對 Cousins 有效, 但它對其他人有效 嗎? 2. Have fun Ving … 得 到樂趣 Well, the answer is not clear yet, but they will surely have a lot of fun trying. 嗯, 答案尚不是很清 潔, 但他們一定會從 嘗試中得到很多樂 趣.

1)A+be+Adj-er/more Adj (+thanB) 2)A+V+Adv-er/more Adv (+than B) A 比 B 更 … 的比較級句型, 形容詞和副詞皆適用. 形容詞時用據型 (1) 副詞時用句型 (2) 例 : I am stronger than Jason (is). Lesson Two is more difficult than Lesson One. Sam is the smarter of the two students. Lisa is the more diligent girl of the two. Kevin studies harder than I (do). Ben comes more often than Dan (does). When you are happy, you are likely to be healthier. He was able to go to sleep more easily than before.

2. Traveling by train _______ _______ comfortable _______ traveling by plane. 3. Pam’s room ______ _______ organized ________ Jack’s room. 4. Your way is _______ effective _______ my way.

Sb. + spend + time/money + V-ing (+O) 某人花多少時間 / 金錢在 … 上 例 : He spent long hours researching about his problem. Every day he spent hours reading funny books, watching comic films, and doing other things. Josie spent three hours practicing the piano each day. My grandfather spends $1000 each week seeing a doctor about his bad back.

Practice A (p.52) She spends fourteen hours p___ the piano each week. She spends one hour d_____ yoga each week. She spends two hours each week d_______ voluntary work. She spends four hours t____ English lessons each week.