Minimizing Churn in Distributed Systems P. Brighten Godfrey, Scott Shenker, and Ion Stoica UC Berkeley SIGCOMM’06.


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Presentation transcript:

Minimizing Churn in Distributed Systems P. Brighten Godfrey, Scott Shenker, and Ion Stoica UC Berkeley SIGCOMM’06

2 Road Map Introduction Simulation  Basic Properties Analysis Applications Discussion Conclusion

3 Introduction Churn  Change in the set of participating nodes due to joins, graceful leaves, and failures A quantitative guide to the churn form selection strategies Analytically characterize the performance of strategies Compare the performance of strategies with different real traces

4 Road Map Introduction Simulation  Basic Properties Analysis Applications Discussion Conclusion

5 Churn Simulations Model System Model  Node status Up (in use, or available), down  Nodes in use Definition of churn  Example Two nodes fail and replaced by others

6 Selection Strategies Predictive fixed strategies  Fixed decent Select randomly from 50% with more up time  Fixed most available The most time up  Fixed longest lived Greatest average session time Agnostic fixed strategies  Fixed random Predictive replacement strategies  Max Expectation Greatest expected remaining uptime  Longest uptime Longest current uptime  Optimal Agnostic replacement strategies  Random Replacement (RR)  Passive Preference list Fail and then replace  Active preference list

7 Traces Synthetic traces  PDF a = 1.5 and b fixed so that mean is 30 minutes

8 Simulation Setup Event-based simulator  Selection algorithm to react immediately after each change Chord protocol simulator  No loss, except the node fail when then datagram is in flight At least 10 trails Sample 1000 random nodes 95% confidence intervals

9 Basic Properties Synthetic Pareto lifetimes Fixed k = 50 Fixed strategies are the same  The same mean session time

10 Benefit of Replacement Strategies 1.3~5 times improvement The dynamically selecting nodes for long- running distributed application would be worthwhile

11 Benefit of Replacement Strategies The best fixed strategies match the performance of the best replacement one  The trace are shorter

12 Agnostic Strategies RR is worse for small k, but is with in a factor of 2 of Max Expectation RR is 1.2~3 times better than Passive and 2.5~10 times better than Active PL

13 Road Map Introduction Simulation  Basic Properties Analysis Applications Discussion Conclusion

14 Analysis of Fixed and PL strategies Fixed strategies  Node recover instantaneously Each failure and recovery, normalized by time  The number of a node failure  Expected churn Passive Preference List strategies  If k is large, then same as Fixed strategies Active Preference List strategies  It pays more to switch back after the recovery of the node

15 Analysis of Random Replacement Intuition  Waiting time paradox RR is (roughly) selecting the current session of a random node This is biased towards longer sessions  RR does very badly when stable nodes are rare One with mean r >> 1 and others’ are 1 Churn of RR is about 2 and the best fixed strategies is Churn rate

16 Analysis of Random Replacement Agreement of the analysis with a simulation for n = 20 and the previous Pareto-distributed session time plot

17 Characteristics of Random Replacement X’ is more skewed than X  If E[X’] = E[X], then x’ and x are the yth percentile values of X’ and X The churn of RR decreases as the distributions become more “skewed” If the session time distributions are stable and have equal mean, RR’s expected churn is at most twice the expected churn of any fixed or Preference List strategy

18 Road Map Introduction Simulation  Basic Properties Analysis Applications Discussion Conclusion

19 Anycast Whenever its current server fails, it obtains a list of the m servers to which it has lowest latency and connects to random on of these m Switching to another server is not counted Latencies were obtained from a synthetic edge network delay space generator  It is modeled on measurements of latency between DNS servers

20 Anycast Trade of between server list m and latency t t increases => Passive PL m increases => RR hybrid:  ω decrease: Passive PL to Longest Uptime

21 Anycast When session time is small, the end host experiences the mean server failure tare, as in Active PL

22 DHT Neighbor Selection Long-distant neighbor  Deterministic topology (Active PL)  Randomized topology (RR) Simulation  Sample n nodes from Gnutella  Feed into Chord protocol simulator  Two node send message to a node with single key It is failed when two message are lossed

23 DHT Neighbor Selection Randomized topology are more stable, but have slightly longer routes Randomized topology also can reduce maintenance bandwidth

24 Multicast Select one of m suitable nodes as parent  Suitable: available bandwidth to serve another child  Strategies Longest uptime, Minimum Depth, Minimum Latency  Homogeneous bandwidth

25 Multicast

26 DHT Replica Placement Root set (Passive PL)  Nodes with ID closer to key (Object) should keep the replica Root directory (RR)  Replica of directory is the same as root set  Replica may be on any node in the system Simulation  Lazy replication  On equal footing

27 DHT Replica Placement There are many permanent failures in Gnutella traces

28 Road Map Introduction Simulation  Basic Properties Analysis Applications Discussion Conclusion

29 Discussion When would one use Random Replacement?  Minimize churn Longest Uptime  RR would be easier to implement Uptime is not easy to determine Network problem, liar What about load balance?  The result do not address fairness between users

30 Road Map Introduction Simulation  Basic Properties Analysis Applications Discussion Conclusion

31 Conclusion A guide to performance of a range of node selection strategies in real-world traces Highlight and explain analytically the god performance of RR relative to smart strategies Explain the performance implications of a variety of existing distributed systems designs