Peppered Moths
Peppered Moths Key Question: Explain how adaptations work. What are they and where do they come from? Initial Thoughts:
Evidence: Sketch & Retell RetellSketch
Evidence 2: Simulation Go to: Click on A Bird’s Eye View Record your results in a table: ResultsLight ForestDark Forest % light moths % dark moths
Analysis Questions 1.How did the % of dark moths in the population change in the light forest? In the dark forest? 2.Was allele for the black color always present in the moth population, or it show up after the trees changed color? 3.What does this lesson teach you about natural selection?
Summary What did you think about how adaptations work before this lesson? What did you learn about how adaptations work from this lesson? (Minimum of 3 sentences!!!) What are some further thoughts or questions you have about how adaptations work ?
Reflection The cheetah, an extremely fast and efficient hunter, is an endangered species. The few cheetahs alive today show very little variation. How does this help to explain why cheetahs are on the verge of becoming extinct?
Big Idea