Background EmpiricismMentalism Parole & Langue
The Theories Development StructuralismBehaviouristMentalism Universal Grammar Connectionism The Utterance Schema
STRUCTURALISM (1933) Proposed by Leonard Bloomfield Language should be scientific Only an analysis based on ‘real data’ could be considered scientific. This kind of analysis is labelled ‘empiricism’ Emphasized the importance of the basic structures & relationships of that particular object. Semantic Triangle or Triad Theory of Meaning (1923): referent – mental image - words
BEHAVIOURISM (1957) Proposed by B. F. Skinner It assumes that human mind should be based on people’s actions & behavior No consideration of internal mental states. Learner is essentially passive & their behaviors are shaped through positive & negative reinforcement. Learning is seen as product of teaching: conditioning and habit formation
MENTALISM (1959) Proposed by Chomsky Language can not only be explained by just looking at observable facts The observable data are inadequate and incomplete Children never learn their first language purely by habit formation Language Acquisition Device (LAD): deep structure & surface structure Look at these sentences: 1)John is easy to please 2)John is eager to please Look at these sentences: 1)John is easy to please 2)John is eager to please
UNIVERSAL GRAMMAR (1980) access activate LANGUAGE ACQUISITION DEVICE NATURAL LANGUE Children innate knowledge of language Language Faculty (Chomsky, 2002)
CONNECTIONISM (1996) Proposed by Freeman Rejecting the hypothesis of innate endowment Elman et al (1996) agree that there are universal behaviors, but that does not mean that they are directly contained in our genes. Language learning is understood as the processing of experience and the repetition of experiences causing the strengthening of the connections. (Menezes, ___) It’s SLA results from increasing strengths of associations between stimuli & responses It seeks to explain human intelectual abilities by using computer simulations of neural networks.
UTTERANCE SCHEMA (2000) Proposed by Tomasello Children learn the rules of language from the input they get. The creativity & emerging complexity occurs slowly as they begin to recognize patterns. Usage-based syntactic operations It assumes that child has a general learning mechanism that enables him/her to recognize patterns in utterances & build rules for his/her own language
References Alwasilah, Chaedar. (1993). Linguistik Suatu Pengantar. Bandung: Angkasa. Bot, Kees de., Lowie, Wander., Verspoor, Marjolijn. (2005). Second Language Acquisition: An Advanced Resource Book. New York: Routledge Fromkin, Victoria., Rodman, Robert., Collins, Peter., Blair, David. (1984). An Introduction to Language. New South Wales: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.