The Student Benefits of TaskStream 1
2 TaskStream is: A resource promoting success in the education field Used by prospective AND practicing teachers
Portfolio Personalization Home page allows personalization Students can include: Photos Clipart Short autobiography or dedication Resume Customization adds to overall professionalism of presentation 3
TaskStream: You walk the walk - not just talk the talk. The TaskStream portfolio should be used to: Preface/follow up an interview Serve as a tool during an interview. Showcase the student’s best work. Demonstrate technological proficiency. 4
Sharing and Networking Your Portfolio Students can: Publish the portfolio link Add the link to an electronic resume or web pages Receive feedback from peers Make a resounding professional impression 5
TaskStream for Practicing Teachers Helps demonstrate professional development. Features make everyday classroom tasks simpler and faster Such as: Lesson Plan Builder Rubric Wizard Web Builder 6
Lesson Plan Builder Create lesson plans quickly and easily 7
Rubric Wizard Create rubrics for evaluating a variety of assignments 8
Web Builder Create a class web page or web quest 9
Where do we go from here? Customize Professionally revise and polish Utilize Monitor the quality of each course submission Explore fonts and clip art Network Share by or publish the link Receive feedback from peers, instructors and mentors Extend Explore rubric and lesson planning tools 10