WILLIAM MCKINLEY President from: Born: Jan. 29, 1843 Niles, OH Died: Sept. 14, 1901 Buffalo, NY Married to: Ida Saxton McKinley Before becoming President: Allegheny college Post office clerk School teacher Fought in Civil War Lawyer Representative in U.S. House Governor of Ohio
Accomplishments as President: Spanish-American War Gained control of Philippines, Puerto Rico, Cuba, and Hawaii Boxer Rebellion After Presidency: Assassinated by Leon F. Czolgosz
THEODORE ROOSEVELT President from: Born: Oct. 27, 1858 NYC, NY Died: Jan. 6, 1919 Oyster Bay, NY Married to: Alice Hathaway Lee Roosevelt Edith Kermit Carow Roosevelt
Before becoming President: Harvard scholar NY Senator Cattle Rancher Deputy Sheriff Commission of US Civil Service President of NYC Police Board Assistant Secretary of the Navy Commander of Rough Riders Governor of NY Vice President
Before becoming President: Harvard scholar World traveler Hunter Author Rancher Republican activist Bureaucrat Police commissioner Secretary of Navy Commander of Rough Riders Governor of NY Vice President
Accomplishments as President: Youngest President Vigorous foreign policy Constructed Panama Canal Roosevelt Corollary- intervene in South America Mediated Russian- Japanese War Won Nobel Peace Prize anti-trust laws intervened in coal strike of 1902 Inspection of meats and drugs Conservationist – 125 million acres of national forests After Presidency: Helped Taft get elected Ran for President and lost to Woodrow Wilson
Accomplishments as President: Youngest President Won Nobel Peace Prize Regulation of Railroads Added thousands of acres to national forests and parks Constructed Panama Canal Sent troops to Latin American nations After Presidency: Helped Taft get elected Ran for President and lost to Woodrow Wilson