Bhakti-vaibhava Srimad Bhagavatam A First Canto Module Three Review Rev Bhakti-vaibhava Srimad Bhagavatam A First Canto Module Three Review Rev Anjana Suta Academy
How many Verses from the first two cantos are in the NOI? Refresh them occasionally? Can you list the Chapter Titles from the first two modules, The logical Flow of the Story and The General Content of each one? How many important themes do you have Indexed from these two modules? Can you list the Chapter Titles from the first two modules, The logical Flow of the Story and The General Content of each one? How many important themes do you have Indexed from these two modules?
SB 1.7: The Son of Droṇa Punished SB 1.8: Prayers by Queen Kuntī and Parīkṣit Saved SB 1.9: The Passing Away of Bhīṣmadeva in the Presence of Lord Kṛṣṇa SB 1.10: Departure of Lord Kṛṣṇa for Dvārakā SB 1.11: Lord Kṛṣṇa's Entrance into Dvārakā Maharaja Pariksit’s Birth Antecedents
SB 1.7: The Son of Droṇa Punished SB 1.8: Prayers by Queen Kuntī and Parīkṣit Saved SB 1.9: The Passing Away of Bhīṣmadeva in the Presence of Lord Kṛṣṇa SB 1.10: Departure of Lord Kṛṣṇa for Dvārakā SB 1.11: Lord Kṛṣṇa's Entrance into Dvārakā Can you summarize Modules One and Two? What is their value just for you? What happened at the end of Module Two that is taken up in Module Three, Chapter Seven? Can you summarize Modules One and Two? What is their value just for you? What happened at the end of Module Two that is taken up in Module Three, Chapter Seven?
SB : O Vyāsadeva, your vision is completely perfect. And thus you can think of the pastimes of the Lord, Srimad Bhagavatam, in trance for the liberation of the people in general from all material bondage. Actually it is not in Chapter Six. It was in Chapter Five.
SB : Ṛṣi Śaunaka asked: O Sūta, the great and transcendentally powerful Vyāsadeva heard everything from Śrī Nārada Muni. So after Nārada's departure, what did Vyāsadeva do? Śrī Sūta said: On the western bank of the River Sarasvatī there is a cottage for meditation at Śamyāprāsa. In that place Śrīla Vyāsadeva sat down to meditate. Thus he saw the Absolute Personality of Godhead along with His external energy, which was under full control is very important, big debate point for the philosophers, no? The external energy was fully under his control!
SB : Sūta Gosvāmī thus addressed the ṛṣis : Now I shall begin the transcendental narration of 1.Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa and 2.topics of the birth, 3.activities and 4.deliverance of King Parīkṣit and 5.the renunciation of the sons of Pāṇḍu. SB : Sūta Gosvāmī thus addressed the ṛṣis : Now I shall begin the transcendental narration of 1.Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa and 2.topics of the birth, 3.activities and 4.deliverance of King Parīkṣit and 5.the renunciation of the sons of Pāṇḍu.
The birth of King Parīkṣit This of course brings us to Parikshit saved in the womb. SB : As soon as He seated Himself on the chariot to start for Dvārakā, He saw Uttarā hurrying toward Him in fear. Having patiently heard her words Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa could understand that Aśvatthāmā had thrown the brahmāstra to finish the last life in the Pāṇḍava family. This of course brings us to Parikshit saved in the womb. SB : As soon as He seated Himself on the chariot to start for Dvārakā, He saw Uttarā hurrying toward Him in fear. Having patiently heard her words Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa could understand that Aśvatthāmā had thrown the brahmāstra to finish the last life in the Pāṇḍava family.
But, before he gets to that in Chapter Eight, he tells the back- ground of Asvatthama trying to kill the Pandavas (Chapter Seven). Then in Chapter Eight he describes Krsna getting ready to leave for Dvaraka, and Asvatthama apparently throwing a second Brahmastra. But, before he gets to that in Chapter Eight, he tells the back- ground of Asvatthama trying to kill the Pandavas (Chapter Seven). Then in Chapter Eight he describes Krsna getting ready to leave for Dvaraka, and Asvatthama apparently throwing a second Brahmastra.
Reviewing Chapter Seven, do you find anything worth noting or Indexing? We noted the following things: 1.He saw Maya, Jiva, Krsna. 2.Maya encages Jiva. 3.Hearing Vedas, Srimad Bhagavatam, is the way out of Maya. 4.He taught SB to Sukadeva Goswami. We noted the following things: 1.He saw Maya, Jiva, Krsna. 2.Maya encages Jiva. 3.Hearing Vedas, Srimad Bhagavatam, is the way out of Maya. 4.He taught SB to Sukadeva Goswami.
SB 1.7.9: Śaunaka asked Sūta Gosvāmī: Śukadeva Gosvāmī was already on the path of self- realization. He was pleased with his own self. So why did he take the trouble to undergo the study of such a vast literature? SB 1.7.9: Śaunaka asked Sūta Gosvāmī: Śukadeva Gosvāmī was already on the path of self- realization. He was pleased with his own self. So why did he take the trouble to undergo the study of such a vast literature? He was pleased with his own self. ātmārāmaḥ samabhyasat He was pleased with his own self. ātmārāmaḥ samabhyasat sūta uvāca ātmārāmāś ca munayo nirgranthā apy urukrame kurvanty ahaitukīḿ bhaktim ittham-bhūta-guṇo hariḥ sūta uvāca ātmārāmāś ca munayo nirgranthā apy urukrame kurvanty ahaitukīḿ bhaktim ittham-bhūta-guṇo hariḥ All different varieties of ātmārāmas, though freed from all kinds of material bondage, desire to render unalloyed devotional service unto the Personality of Godhead. This means that the Lord possesses transcendental qualities and therefore can attract everyone, including liberated souls.
ittham-bhūta-guṇo hariḥ
1.What narration immediately preceded the beginning of Chapter 7? 2.What did Vyasa see in His meditation prior to composing the Srimad Bhagavatam 3.If revival of love of Godhead does not depend on the mechanical system of hearing and chanting, what does it depend on?
1.What sense works even when a man is deep asleep? 2.What question in text 9 prompted the famous atmarama verse (SB )? 3.Was there ever a time when Sukadeva Goswami and the devotees were not particularly fond of one another? Why or why not?
1.Why does the narrationi begin with the story of Asvatthama's punishment? 2.Was Duryodhana pleased by Asvatthama’s act of beheading the five sleeping sons of Draupadi? 3.What was Lord Caitanya’s desire that, according to Srila Prabhupada, will bring about the desired peace and prosperity of the stricken world? 4.When Arjuna spoke to Draupadi to pacify her for the loss of her sons, where did he promise her that she could take her bath? 5.Is being a brahmana a hereditary title? What is a “brahma bandhu”?
1.Is the subtle science of hurling brahmastras by the chanting of hymns material or spiritual? 2.Why was Asvatthama’s use of the brahmastra not only improper but irreligious?
1.Which releases more energy, an atomic bomb or a brahmastra? 2.Can the world be destroyed by the whims of politicians? 3.Why was it proper for Arjuna to bind Asvatthama with ropes like an animal? 4.What is Lord Krishna’s position on the question of whether the death penalty should ever be imposed? 5.Why did Krsna manifest four arms in the trial of Asvatthama?
1.Was Draupadi’s leniency toward the murderer of her five sons a fault or a virtue? Discuss. 2.What reasons did Draupadi give to Arjuna in requesting him to release the son of Drona? 3.How did Arjuna demonstrate expert intelligence in punishng Aswatthama?
SB 1.8: Prayers by Queen Kuntī and Parīk ṣ it Saved SB SB — Thereafter, the sons of Pā ṇḍ u, and Draupadī, overwhelmed with grief, performed the proper rituals for the dead bodies of their relatives. SB SB — Thereafter, the sons of Pā ṇḍ u, and Draupadī, overwhelmed with grief, performed the proper rituals for the dead bodies of their relatives. SB — Lord Śrī K ṛṣṇ a caused three well-performed aśvamedha-yajñas to be conducted by Mahārāja Yudhi ṣṭ hira and then prepared for His departure. As soon as He seated Himself on the chariot to start for Dvārakā, He saw Uttarā hurrying toward Him in fear.
SB — Uttarā said: pāhi pāhi mahā-yogin deva-deva jagat-pate nānya ṁ tvad abhaya ṁ paśye yatra m ṛ tyu ḥ parasparam abhidravati mām īśa śaras taptāyaso vibho kāma ṁ dahatu mā ṁ nātha mā me garbho nipātyatām pāhi pāhi mahā-yogin deva-deva jagat-pate nānya ṁ tvad abhaya ṁ paśye yatra m ṛ tyu ḥ parasparam abhidravati mām īśa śaras taptāyaso vibho kāma ṁ dahatu mā ṁ nātha mā me garbho nipātyatām
pāhi pāhi mahā-yogin deva-deva jagat-pate pāhi pāhi mahā-yogin deva-deva jagat-pate Uttarā said: O Lord of lords, Lord of the universe! You are the greatest of mystics. Please protect me, protect me, for there is no one else who can save me from the clutches of death in this world of duality. O my Lord, You are all-powerful. A fiery iron arrow is coming towards me fast. My Lord, let it burn me personally, if You so desire, but please do not let it burn and abort my embryo. Please do me this favor, my Lord. Uttarā said: O Lord of lords, Lord of the universe! You are the greatest of mystics. Please protect me, protect me, for there is no one else who can save me from the clutches of death in this world of duality. O my Lord, You are all-powerful. A fiery iron arrow is coming towards me fast. My Lord, let it burn me personally, if You so desire, but please do not let it burn and abort my embryo. Please do me this favor, my Lord. Besides the Prayers of Mataji, what else is in the Chapter?
Śrīmatī Kuntī said: O K ṛṣṇ a, I offer my obeisances unto You because You are the original personality and are unaffected by the qualities of the material world. You are existing both within and without everything, yet You are invisible to all. Śrīmatī Kuntī said: O K ṛṣṇ a, I offer my obeisances unto You because You are the original personality and are unaffected by the qualities of the material world. You are existing both within and without everything, yet You are invisible to all. 1.What is the whole purpose of her prayers (Text 37)? 2.Does she know about the pastimes in of Yasoda with Krsna? 3.What four things prevent people from chanting with feeling? 1.What is the whole purpose of her prayers (Text 37)? 2.Does she know about the pastimes in of Yasoda with Krsna? 3.What four things prevent people from chanting with feeling?
SB k ṛṣṇ āya vāsudevāya devakī-nandanāya ca nanda-gopa-kumārāya _________ namo nama ḥ SB k ṛṣṇ āya vāsudevāya devakī-nandanāya ca nanda-gopa-kumārāya _________ namo nama ḥ K ṛṣṇ āya means 1.To Krsna 2.From Krsna 3.With Krsna 4.Oh, Krsna!
SB O H ṛṣ īkeśa, master of the senses and Lord of lords, You have released Your mother, Devakī, who was long imprisoned and distressed by the envious King Ka ṁ sa, and me and my children from a series of constant dangers. Your Lordship has protected us from a poisoned cake, from a great fire, from the vicious assembly, from sufferings during our exile in the forest and from the battle where great generals fought. And now You have saved us from the weapon of Aśvatthāmā. I wish that all those calamities will never happen again! SB O H ṛṣ īkeśa, master of the senses and Lord of lords, You have released Your mother, Devakī, who was long imprisoned and distressed by the envious King Ka ṁ sa, and me and my children from a series of constant dangers. Your Lordship has protected us from a poisoned cake, from a great fire, from the vicious assembly, from sufferings during our exile in the forest and from the battle where great generals fought. And now You have saved us from the weapon of Aśvatthāmā. I wish that all those calamities will never happen again! Is this citation correct? If not, what words need to be changed ?
akiñcana-gocaram — one who is approached easily by the ______________________. SB T RANSLATION : Some say that the Unborn is born: For the glorification of pious kings, To please King Yadu, Since both Vasudeva and Devakī prayed for You, To kill those who are envious of the demigods. That the world being overburdened like a boat at sea You have appeared to diminish the trouble. We see all these reasons as very important, but what is the next, and last reason that she suggests? SB T RANSLATION : Some say that the Unborn is born: For the glorification of pious kings, To please King Yadu, Since both Vasudeva and Devakī prayed for You, To kill those who are envious of the demigods. That the world being overburdened like a boat at sea You have appeared to diminish the trouble. We see all these reasons as very important, but what is the next, and last reason that she suggests? Because Krsna lotus feet are in their kingdom what is the result? What will happened if He departs for Dvaraka?
Śrīmatī Kuntīdevī wished Śrī K ṛṣṇ a to remain with her sons the Pā ṇḍ avas, but by His doing so her________ bereft of the benefit. All these partialities troubled the mind of Kuntī, and therefore she desired to cut off the affectionate tie. SB O K ṛṣṇ a, O friend of _______, O chief amongst the descendants of V ṛṣṇ i, You are the destroyer of those political parties which are disturbing elements on this earth. Your prowess never deteriorates. You are the proprietor of the transcendental abode, and You descend to relieve the distresses of the cows, the brāhma ṇ as and the devotees. You possess all mystic powers, and You are the preceptor of the entire universe. You are the almighty God, and I offer You my respectful obeisances. SB O K ṛṣṇ a, O friend of _______, O chief amongst the descendants of V ṛṣṇ i, You are the destroyer of those political parties which are disturbing elements on this earth. Your prowess never deteriorates. You are the proprietor of the transcendental abode, and You descend to relieve the distresses of the cows, the brāhma ṇ as and the devotees. You possess all mystic powers, and You are the preceptor of the entire universe. You are the almighty God, and I offer You my respectful obeisances.
SB T/F - Kunti-devi’s prayers were unsuccessful and Krsna was still going to leave. SB T/F - Kunti-devi’s prayers were unsuccessful and Krsna was still going to leave. After Kunti- devi’s prayers who approached Krsna full of lamentation? Why was he lamenting? After Kunti- devi’s prayers who approached Krsna full of lamentation? Why was he lamenting?
SB — King Yudhi ṣṭ hira said: O my lot! I am the most sinful man! Just see my heart, which is full of ignorance! This body, which is ultimately meant for others, has killed many, many phalanxes of men. SB — Sūta Gosvāmī said: Being afraid for having killed so many subjects on the Battlefield of Kuruk ṣ etra, Mahārāja Yudhi ṣṭ hira went to the scene of the massacre. There, Bhī ṣ madeva was lying on a bed of arrows, about to pass away. In this Ninth Chapter Bhī ṣ madeva will impart instructions to King Yudhi ṣṭ hira and offer his last prayer. This passing away attracted the attention of all the contemporary elites. SB — Sūta Gosvāmī said: Being afraid for having killed so many subjects on the Battlefield of Kuruk ṣ etra, Mahārāja Yudhi ṣṭ hira went to the scene of the massacre. There, Bhī ṣ madeva was lying on a bed of arrows, about to pass away. In this Ninth Chapter Bhī ṣ madeva will impart instructions to King Yudhi ṣṭ hira and offer his last prayer. This passing away attracted the attention of all the contemporary elites.
1.Text 12 – What are the three things Bhisma declared that one should base his life upon? 2.Tom Brown, “Hare Krsna! Have you got a good two page summary of your social- philosophy, political science?“ 3.Text Prayers of Bhismadeva. These prayers, all prayers, our life, is meant to glorify, amplify, illuminate Krsna! 4.Text 32 - What is the first illumination that Bhisma offers,? Is it the same focus as Kunti? 5.They both see Krsna as the friend of Arjuna, no? Who is Arjuna to each of them? 6.Text 40 Bhima is in V____-rasa with Krsna. How does Madhurya-rasa fit into it? 1.Text 12 – What are the three things Bhisma declared that one should base his life upon? 2.Tom Brown, “Hare Krsna! Have you got a good two page summary of your social- philosophy, political science?“ 3.Text Prayers of Bhismadeva. These prayers, all prayers, our life, is meant to glorify, amplify, illuminate Krsna! 4.Text 32 - What is the first illumination that Bhisma offers,? Is it the same focus as Kunti? 5.They both see Krsna as the friend of Arjuna, no? Who is Arjuna to each of them? 6.Text 40 Bhima is in V____-rasa with Krsna. How does Madhurya-rasa fit into it?
SB Actually the qualified brāhma ṇ as are meant to give direction to the kings for proper administration in terms of the scriptures like the M___-sa ṁ hitā and Dharma-śāstras of P_______. 2.The taxation law was simple. There was no force, no encroachment. The king had a right to take _________ (what fraction) of the production made by the subject. 3.As far as the women class are concerned, they are accepted as a power of in_______ for men. As such, women are more powerful than men. Mighty Julius Caesar was controlled by a Cleopatra. Such powerful women are controlled by sh_____. SB Actually the qualified brāhma ṇ as are meant to give direction to the kings for proper administration in terms of the scriptures like the M___-sa ṁ hitā and Dharma-śāstras of P_______. 2.The taxation law was simple. There was no force, no encroachment. The king had a right to take _________ (what fraction) of the production made by the subject. 3.As far as the women class are concerned, they are accepted as a power of in_______ for men. As such, women are more powerful than men. Mighty Julius Caesar was controlled by a Cleopatra. Such powerful women are controlled by sh_____.
SB 1.10: Departure of Lord K ṛṣṇ a for Dvārakā SB 1.10: Departure of Lord K ṛṣṇ a for Dvārakā Rolls Royce History New Rolls Royce Prices start well over $200,000 making it difficult for the average car buyer to afford. Rolls Royce models have been known to represent the best in luxury and quality. The Rolls Royce Ghost is their "entry-level" model that carries a price tag around $250,000. Rolls Royce History New Rolls Royce Prices start well over $200,000 making it difficult for the average car buyer to afford. Rolls Royce models have been known to represent the best in luxury and quality. The Rolls Royce Ghost is their "entry-level" model that carries a price tag around $250,000.
Vaisnava Scholar, what is your traditions perspective on ecology? World government? Where can these be found in this Chapter? What are two of our specific ideas? Where is another Purport in this Module?
Texts Prayers of Respectable Ladies. From where their prayers they did offer? What is their view of Lord as expressed in first text? Is it the same as Kunti, Bhisma? Text 16 –” This ______ is a gift of nature to the fair sex, and it enhances their beauty and prestige, even if they are of a less important family or even if they are less attractive. We have practical experience of this fact. A sweeper woman commanded the respect of many respectable gentlemen simply by manifesting a lady’s _______. Half-naked ladies in the street do not command any respect, but a _______ sweeper’s wife commands respect from all.” (All three same word) Text 23 – “ The Vāsudeva conception gradually develops in the heart of the learned after a prolonged acc____ation of the receptive organs.” Texts Prayers of Respectable Ladies. From where their prayers they did offer? What is their view of Lord as expressed in first text? Is it the same as Kunti, Bhisma? Text 16 –” This ______ is a gift of nature to the fair sex, and it enhances their beauty and prestige, even if they are of a less important family or even if they are less attractive. We have practical experience of this fact. A sweeper woman commanded the respect of many respectable gentlemen simply by manifesting a lady’s _______. Half-naked ladies in the street do not command any respect, but a _______ sweeper’s wife commands respect from all.” (All three same word) Text 23 – “ The Vāsudeva conception gradually develops in the heart of the learned after a prolonged acc____ation of the receptive organs.”
Is there evidence in this chapter to support the requirement of Evening Program?
Chapter 11: Lord Kṛṣṇa's Entrance into Dvārakā This chapter describes the Rasa of Krsna with His devotees as he entered the: 1.Boundaries of His kingdom, 2.City, 3.Palaces, 4.Private apartments. Which type of devotees, relatives, are present or prominent in each place? This chapter describes the Rasa of Krsna with His devotees as he entered the: 1.Boundaries of His kingdom, 2.City, 3.Palaces, 4.Private apartments. Which type of devotees, relatives, are present or prominent in each place? Texts More Prayers. What is their realization of Krsna?] In Texts 12, 13, 14 So much about ecology, ideal cities, Text 19, of course, Stri-dharma, varna- ashrama dharma, 20 & 23 about actors and Brahmanas in Varna-ashrama. Texts More Prayers. What is their realization of Krsna?] In Texts 12, 13, 14 So much about ecology, ideal cities, Text 19, of course, Stri-dharma, varna- ashrama dharma, 20 & 23 about actors and Brahmanas in Varna-ashrama.
In Texts 12, 13, 14 So much about ecology, ideal cities, The process of reception according to Vedic rites is not at all dry. The reception was made not simply by decorating the roads and streets as above mentioned, but by worshiping the Lord with requisite ingredients like incense, lamps, flowers, sweets, fruits. Without distribution of _______, no function is complete, and that is the way of Vedic culture.
Text 19, of course, Stri-dharma, varna-ashrama dharma, Must prostitutes be eliminated for the proper upkeep of society? By _______ __ ______ one may be obliged to adopt a profession which is not very adorable in society, but that does not hamper one in executing _________ ______ Must prostitutes be eliminated for the proper upkeep of society? By _______ __ ______ one may be obliged to adopt a profession which is not very adorable in society, but that does not hamper one in executing _________ ______
20 & 23 about actors and Brahmanas in Varna-ashrama. The brāhmaṇas in society were never attentive to banking money for future retired life. When they were old invalids, they used to approach the assembly of the kings, and simply by ________________________, along with their wives, they would be provided with all necessities of life. Was this flattery? What good effect did it have? The brāhmaṇas in society were never attentive to banking money for future retired life. When they were old invalids, they used to approach the assembly of the kings, and simply by ________________________, along with their wives, they would be provided with all necessities of life. Was this flattery? What good effect did it have?
Module Three What are the chapters? What is the flow of the content? Module Three What are the chapters? What is the flow of the content? Thank you! Hare Krsna!