DFE CONSULTATION Constitution of governing bodies of maintained schools – proposed changes to regulations
Main points A key consideration in the appointment and election of new governors should be the skills and experience the governing body needs to be effective For every vacancy, the GB should conduct an audit to identify any gaps that need to be filled Governing bodies should review their effectiveness regularly, including the extent to which their size and structure is fit for purpose and their members have the necessary skills Meaningful and effective engagement with parents, staff and the wider community is vital. It is not the role of the GB to provide this through its membership. They need to assure themselves that specific arrangements are in place for this purpose. Governing more than one school can generate a more strategic perspective and more robust accountability through the ability to compare and contrast across schools
Skills based eligibility criteria for appointed governors Do you agree that in maintained schools and federations the governing body and other appointing persons should only be able to appoint governors who in their opinion have the skills to contribute to effective governance? Anyone appointing governors MUST appoint someone they believe has the skills to contribute to effective governance and the success of the school Foundation governors have a particular purpose to safeguard the character of the school, but otherwise every governors’ role is to govern in the best interests of pupils not the interests of the constituency form which they were appointed/elected
Transition to 2012 regulations Do you agree with our proposal to revoke the 2007 Constitution Regulations and 2007 Federations Regulations and require all governing bodies to constitute under the 2012 Constitution Regulations or 2012 Federation Regulations, as appropriate, by 1 September 2015?
Surplus Governors Do you agree with our proposals to base the process for removing surplus governors in maintained schools and federations of maintained schools on local discretion to identify which existing governors should continue to hold office, on the basis of skills?
Composition of governing bodies of federations Do you agree that the staff governor and head teacher should be taken into account when restricting the number of co-opted governors (and temporary staff governors in new schools intending to federate) who are also eligible to be elected or appointed as staff governors?
Statutory Guidance Do you agree with our guidance on the size and membership of governing bodies Should be no bigger than necessary to secure the range of skills they need. Smaller GBs are likely to be more cohesive and dynamic Minimum number of governors 7 (no maximum) Establish joint arrangements with other GBs
Governor skills Do you agree with our guidance on the skills governors and governing bodies require? Commitment to the role, inquisitiveness to question and analyse, willingness to learn, good interpersonal skills, basic level of literacy and numeracy Analysing performance data, budgeting and driving financial efficiencies, performance management and employment issues (including grievances), constructive engagement, good leadership, allocate budget for CPD for members
Governor elections Do you agree with our guidance on conduction governor elections? GBs and LAs should take steps to inform governor elections so that the electorate understands the extent to which nominated candidates possess the skills the GB ideally requires Set clear expectations about the role, term of office, frequency and length of meetings, and training required Statement sets out skills and experience, commitment, how they plan to contribute to the work of the GB, and on re- election details of the contribution and impact during their previous term