Results from Transportation Survey North East MN (Area 2)
What Function Do You Perform?
66.7% Of providers in the North East region provide regular transportation to passengers that are "eligible" for reimbursement 3.2% below the state average
But, How many of those passengers are being reimbursed? Wide range 10% - 100% Unknowns (1) PercentNumber of Respondents
Possible Sources of Funding County Individual Self Pay Waivered Dollars Medical Assistance Waiver First Plan UCare Medical Assistance Travel Voucher Social Services Mental Health Providers Human Services Rehabilitation Services Job Services Private Health Insurance MSHO
Most common response was Human Services or County!
Do you currently have contracts with agencies that reimburse you for the client rides that you provide?
How many respondents do? 70% = North East 80.8% = State * 5 respondents skipped this question
Which Agencies? State County CDCS Providers Individuals Social Services Range Mental Health Minnesota Department of Human Services First Plan Medica UCare County Pre-pays
If you knew that some of your passengers were eligible for transportation subsidy, would you be interested in participating in a software “billing system” to recoup that available funding?
45.5% * 1 respondents skipped this question
Interest in software by region Area 3: 69.4% Area 4: 68.8% Area 2: 45.5% Area 1: 50.0% North East Region shows the least interest Little interest in the North
What features would you like to see included? Ability to call “us” first Compatibility with pre-existing software Online submission Training Eligibility More information needed
Reasons for not recouping funding “We provide transportation to our DAC clients to and from our facility and to and from various community work sites. This is part of our DAC budget. We do not charge the clients for transportation.” “Transportation is part of established DHS per diem rate for Day Training services.” Already have a system that works well Interested in recouping, but unsure about billing system difficulties and manpower Work with a third party that provides operational services that “we” pay for Already being paid for rides Contracts already billed through Integra system Not cost effective for a small transit system
In your current contracts, is there uniformity in the amount reimbursed PER MILE?
54.5% say YES!
Current rates for those that answered “yes“ Some answered Per Raide $10.00 $7.71 $2.00 $1.35 $1.40 $0.585 $1.00 $0.27
How was this rate determined? This is a daily per diem, as determined in our host counties Negotiated in contract with county, and maximums determined by DHS This rate has been used for many, many years Unknown Policy Board and City Council Insurance Based on what MA will pay
What mileage rate would you need in order to cover your full costs (please provide amount needed PER MILE)?
RateNumber of Responses $ $0.502 $0.551 $1.802 $2.001 $3.111 $5.801 $4.381
Actual cost of a BUS ride per mile $1.12IRS
34 responses statewide RateNumber of Responses $0 - $0.504 $0.821 $ $2.457 $ $3.587 $ $4.382 $5.861 $6.671 Unknown or N/A10 Variable1
Administrative Expense Per Mile Only 20 responses statewide! 5 of those (25%) are in North West Region! Low response count. What does this mean? One response was, “Don’t know.” Response $0.26$0.30 $0.55$0.20
Statewide Administrative Expense Per Mile RateQuantity of Responses $ $0.264 $0.30 – $0.503 $ $0.552 $ $1.202 $3.33*1 Unknown2 Included in Per Mile1
Minimum Needed to Cover Cost Per Mile Some responded per trip Some responded per hour RateUnit/per $0.89Mile $1.96Mile $2.30Mile $4.38Mile $18.02Hour
Comparison with state 20 responses statewide Wide range Minimum neededNumber of responses $0 - $0.894 $ $2.355 $ $4.415 $5.861 $10 - $223 $501 Unknown1
Actual Cost of A VOLUNTEER Driver Per Mile RateNumber of Responses $0.341 $0.351 $0.551 $ IRS1
Cost of a VOLUNTEER Driver Per Mile statewide RateNumber of Responses $0.507 $0.53- $ $0.611 $ $0.963 $1.001 $ IRS Rate2 Unknown, N/A12
Statewide Administrative Expenses Per Mile RateNumber of Responses $ $ $ $0.514 $ $0.752 $ $1.551 $ $ N/A1 Unknown3
Minimum Needed to Cover Cost Per Mile RateNumber of Responses $0.341 $0.501 $0.651 $0.6851
Comparison with State RateNumber of Responses $ $0.504 $ $0.759 $ $0.986 $1.171 $1.991 $2.081 $ $25.001
Actual Cost of a WHEEL CHAIR LIFT VEHCILE Ride Per Mile One essay response: “varies according to cost of fuel” $0.34$1.96$2.30$4.38
Statewide Responses RateResponses $0.001 $0.341 $1.731 $1.961 $2.022 $2.301 $3.581 $4.381 $6.671
Administrative Expenses Per Mile Only 11 responses statewide! Low response count What does this mean? $0.26$0.30$0.55
Statewide RateNumber of responses $0.002 $0.171 $0.261 $0.301 $0.53*1 $0.551 $3.33*1 N/A1 Unknown2
Minimum Need to Cover Cost Per Mile 5 responses: $0.89 $1.96 $2.30 $4.38 $18.02/hr
11 Statewide Responses! Rates $0.00 $0.89* $1.90 $1.96* $2.02 $2.30* $4.38* $10.00 $18.02/hour* $ $3.58 N/A Unknown
Actual cost of an ambulatory ride per mile?
Statewide Responses CostNumber of Responses $0.001 $0.34*1 $0.501 $0.581 $2.022 $2.30*1 $4.38*1 $6.671 Unknown/NA16
Administrative Expenses Per Mile State North West Region ExpenseNumber of Responses $0.301 $0.551 ExpenseNumber of Responses $0.001 $0.301 $0.48*1 $0.551 $1.00*1 $3.33*1 N/A1 Unknown3
Minimum Needed to Cover Cost Per Mile State Cost NeededNo. Responses $0.001 $0.89*1 $0.981 $1.581 $2.30*1 $4.38*1 $ $18.02/hr*1 N/A1 Unknown3
Other Rides Provided Accompanied Service to doctor appointments & grocery shopping
Other Rides Statewide Senior Rides Commuters Public Transit with a designated project area Non-Public funded trips to locations outside MnDot project area Non-Medica volunteer driver program to visit spouses in nursing homes