Ministry and the Cyberspace Landscape Reaching 21 st Century Sheep
John 21:16 A second time he said to him, "Simon, son of John, do you love me?" He said to him, "Yes, Lord; you know that I love you." He said to him, "Tend my sheep." John 21:16
Do you know? ing Web surfing Online purchases Webmaster Instant Messaging High speed access Web Cams File Sharing Blogs Wikis Listen to podcasts Create podcasts Social Networking Second Life Chat rooms Skype
General Internet Stats Who is online? What are they doing?
Online Gaming MMPORPG World of Warcraft has over 10 million users WOW machinima video.machinimavideo
Bible Study Resources 2/3 of users have performed online activities related to religion or spirituality Crosswalk
Web 2.0
Blogs –Crosswalk blogs –RSS aggregatorsRSS
Wikis –36% of online American adults consult Wikipedia (Pew)
Photo Sharing Sites –28% of internet users have tagged or categorized content online such as photos, news stories or blog posts. (Pew) –Hendersonville First UMC Youth Group -
Video Sharing Sites –History of The United Methodist Church - RkUo5U RkUo5U –Shelton United Church - MdU
Skype BitTorrent YouTube – Video Sharing, named as a Key Emerging TechnologyYouTube Key Emerging
Social Bookmarking My Bookmarks for CyberMinistry Can subscribe to bookmarks using a RSS feed.
Social Networking More than half (55%) of all online American youths ages use online social networking sites. (Pew)
Podcasting –Some 12% of internet users say they have downloaded a podcast so they can listen to it or view it at a later time. (Pew) –One Place -
Second Life –Almost 10 million residents –Introduction to Second Life video on You Tube - uD6Q uD6Q –USA Today article second-life-religion_N.htm second-life-religion_N.htm –
Example Church Sites –Heal your Church website – a site devoted to “Teaching, rebuking, correcting & training in righteous web design” –Bethlehem United Methodist Church, PA. –Dulles Community Church –Revolution UMC –Life Church,