1/8/2016GBYOB #51 Great Beginnings Year One Part B Class #5 Analysis of Student Work
1/8/2016GBYOB #52 Outcomes: Understand frequent assessment as critical to learning Use the Analyzing Student Work tool
1/8/2016GBYOB #53 Assess, Assess, Assess Pre-Assess Juncture (informal & growth) Final Product Assess
Marzano: Classroom Assessment and Grading that work, c.2006 “At a basic level, classroom assessment is a form of feedback to students regarding their progress….” 1/8/2016GBYOB #54
Researcher John Hattie – 8000 studies “The most powerful, single modification that enhances achievement is feedback. The simplest prescription for improving education must be dollops of feedback.” 1/8/2016GBYOB #55
Assessment = Feedback Assessment/feedback impacts two basic human drives— Strive for success Fear of failure Goal -- Interpret low scores that do not imply FAILURE. Provide evidence that effort on their part results in higher scores. 1/8/2016GBYOB #56
Assessing “Layers” of Learning Essential knowledge (Basic) Application (know & use concepts) Complex-thinking (know, use, apply to problem-solve) 1/8/2016GBYOB #57
Fundamental Tool for Assessing: Rubric Roadmap to Expectations Elements of a Rubric Process for finding criteria for quality work All assessment is formative 1/8/2016GBYOB #58
Assess, Assess, Assess How can I provide frequent feedback for my students to motivate learning? 1/8/2016GBYOB #59
1/8/2016GBYOB #510 Analysis of Student Work Tool Steps in the Process: 1) Select the Assessment 2) Describe Expectations for Student Work 3) Assess Student Work 4) Describe Student Performance 5) Clarify Student Learning Needs 6) Discuss Strategies for Differentiation
1/8/2016GBYOB #511 Analysis of Student Work Tool 1. Select the Assessment How might you assess what students are learning? What content standard or performance objectives does this assessment address? How does this assignment support students in meeting the specific content standards or performance objectives?
1/8/2016GBYOB #512 Analysis of Student Work Tool 2. Expectations for Student Work What do you want your students to know or be able to do? How will you know if a student is meeting the specific standard or their performance objective?
1/8/2016GBYOB #513 Analysis of Student Work Tool 3. Assess Student Work Using rubric or other set of criteria, sort student work into 4 groups: 1.Far Below Standard 2.Approaching Standard 3.Meeting Standard 4.Exceeding Standard
1/8/2016GBYOB #514 Analysis of Student Work Tool 4. Describe Student Performance List student you selected to represent each category. What can each student do (or not do) relative to the criteria and performance expectations?
1/8/2016GBYOB #515 Analysis of Student Work Tool 5. Clarify Learning Needs What do you know about student’s learning needs? What have you noticed works best for this student? What are the crucial gaps we need to address? How can you advance your students’ learning? What skills, concepts, and experiences do the students need?
1/8/2016GBYOB #516 Analysis of Student Work Tool 6. Differentiated Strategies Note patterns and trends as they pertain to special population students. Identify resources and personnel that could support students.
1/8/2016GBYOB #517 Strategies to Consider for Differentiation Other texts or supplemental materials at various levels of difficulty Multi-option assignments Options to incorporate into your instruction Student selected vocabulary, reading material, or assignments Videos, taped materials, or computer programs Skills that might need to be pre-taught
1/8/2016GBYOB #518 Strategies to Consider for Instruction Flexible grouping Interest centers Incorporate modeling, demonstrations, or think- aloud Various ways to check for understanding Graphic organizers or visuals to convey context Extended time for completing assignments
1/8/2016GBYOB #519 Guided Practice “Honolulu Zoo” Writing Cody Maggie Teresa
1/8/2016GBYOB #520 Analysis of Student Work Tool Step 1 - Select the Assessment Name: Mary Jane BrownMentor: A. Moana Grade Level/Subject Area: 3rd Grade/ LA Date: 1/1/07 Student Work Selected for analysis: Writing - Paragraph Content Standard: Capitalization Topic Sentence Use of past and present tense
1/8/2016GBYOB #521 Analysis of Student Work Tool Step 2 - Describe Expectations Expectations for Student Work Write at least one paragraph about our trip to Honolulu Zoo. Capitalize first word of sentence and proper nouns. Correctly use present and past tense.
1/8/2016GBYOB #522 Analysis of Student Work Tool Step 3 - Assess Student Work Far Below Standard Approaching Standard Meeting Standard Exceeding Standard Jesse Matthew Teresa 30% of class Cody Lilly Melissa Roberta Tyrone 50% of class Beth Maggie 20% of class __% of class
1/8/2016GBYOB #523 Analysis of Student Work Tool Step 4 - Description of Performance
1/8/2016GBYOB #524 Analysis of Student Work Tool Description of Student Performance Far Below Standard Teresa: Simple topic sentence 1 period at end of paragraph Some caps at beginning of sentence
1/8/2016GBYOB #525 Approaching Standard Cody: Used model topic sentence Period at end of all sentences Appropriate use of caps Sporadic use of past tense Analysis of Student Work Tool Description of Student Performance
1/8/2016GBYOB #526 Meeting Standard Maggie: Appropriate topic sentence Complete sentences Correct use of commas and periods Correct use of caps Correct past and present tense Analysis of Student Work Tool Description of Student Performance
1/8/2016GBYOB #527 Analysis of Student Work Tool Step 5 - Learning Needs
1/8/2016GBYOB #528 Analysis of Student Work Tool Learning Needs Far Below Standard Teresa: Practice with caps Understanding of tenses Visuals of literacy concepts on walls Practice writing sentences with periods
1/8/2016GBYOB #529 Analysis of Student Work Tool Learning Needs Approaching Standard Cody: Practice writing topic sentence Learn use of past tense
1/8/2016GBYOB #530 Analysis of Student Work Tool Learning Needs Meeting Standard Maggie: Increase richness of writing Develop Vocabulary
1/8/2016GBYOB #531 Analysis of Student Work Tool Step 6 - Differentiated Strategies 5. Differentiated Strategies
1/8/2016GBYOB #532 Differentiated Strategies Self-Assessment Rubric Peer Editing Academic Literacy Personal Vocab. Development Direct Instr. Models of past tense
1/8/2016GBYOB #533 Differentiated Strategies Centers Mini-lessons Topic Sentences Individual Conferences Publish book of work Parent to help publish Tutor ELL -specific support (Enriched writing)(caps, tenses)
1/8/2016GBYOB #534 Analysis of Student Work Tool Analyzing Practice Grade Level/Subject Area: 2nd Grade / Math Student Work Selected For Analysis: Two digit addition problems Content Standard: Use a variety of strategies to solve problems involving addition of two-digit numbers. Expectations: Students will add 2 digit addition problems with regrouping.
1/8/2016GBYOB #535 Four Square Summary As a result of this seminar, here are… 1. New ideas I’ve gained: 2. Things I value: 3. Questions raised in my mind: 4. Things I’m going to try: