Depression and other Mental Illnesses 17 million American suffer from depression each year Millions of American suffer from Anxiety Disorders ranging from Phobias to OCD National Institute of Mental Health
Depression is NOT just “the blues” Mild-Moderate-Extreme The disorder is caused by a chemical imbalance: SLEEP DEPRIVEDSLEEP DEPRIVED
Chemical – Brain Level Neurotransmitter: a brain chemical messenger Serotonin is a chemical or neurotransmitter that deals with mood and appetite Low Serotonin
Medication SRI: Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors 90%-95% are successfully treated with a combination of medication and talk therapy or cognitive therapy 50% relapse with only talk therapy People must communicate with their Doctor for the best results
Show You Care…… Kevin Hines had decided that he wouldn't jump from the Golden Gate Bridge if anyone there bothered to ask him whether he was OK.
A tourist walked up. But the woman simply asked the distraught Hines to take her picture. Hines snapped the photo. Then, concluding that no one cared about him, he hurled himself over the railing.
Get Help – Resources are out there He regretted it instantly. With about 4 seconds to the lethal waves 220 feet below, Hines turned himself upright and plunged into the water feet first. He fractured an ankle and broke his spine. But he survived. Only about two dozen other people have ever done so.
S.A.V.E. Suicide Awareness Voices of Education Depression the #1 cause for Suicide Unfortunately only 1 in 3 people with depression will get help 40% of depression medication is never refilled
Statistics By 2010 depression will be the #1 disability in the world (WHO) Suicide takes the lives of nearly 30,000 Americans every year Suicide rates in the US are highest in the spring For young people years old, suicide is the 3 rd leading cause of death
Self-help/helping a friend Talk to a professional Do something different and stick with it Do your part WHS RESOURCES Social Workers, Teachers, Administration, etc. Tip Line: WHS Tip LineWHS Tip Line 6 th Grade Awareness?? Should more be done?
Mental Disorders Mental Disorder – an illness that affects the mind and reduces a person’s ability to function, to adjust to change, or to get along with others. Some causes of mental disorders: Physical factors Heredity Early Experiences Recent Experiences
Anxiety Disorders OCD-Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Generalized anxiety disorder: displays intense worry, fears, or anxiety most days for at least six months Phobia: anxiety that is related to a specific situation or object
AnxietyAnxiety Disorders continued- PTSD-Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Panic Attack: Experience the following symptoms: Fast heart rate-choking sensation Rapid breathing-chest discomfort or pain Fear of suffocation-nausea or stomach distress Believe he/she is dying-dizziness or lightheadedness Sweating-fear of losing control Trembling or shaking-an “out of body” experience
Mood Disorders Depression StoryStory SAD-Seasonal Affective Disorder Bipolar disorder is characterized by major depressive episodes and a manic episode (Manic Depressive Disorder)
Other Mental Illnesses Personality Disorder Self Destructive, chronic emptiness - poor relationships Impulse Control Disorder Acting before you think or process things
Other Mental Illnesses Schizophrenia: Severe disturbance in thinking, mood, awareness, and behavior Some believe that someone or something controls their thoughts or wants to harm them May appear normal but most of the time will show these symptoms: talk to themselves, display inappropriate emotional responses, dress and act strangely, withdrawn from others
Distorted Perceptions:
Discussion In what ways are optical illusions similar to having mental illness? What ways are they similar to helping someone with depression?
The cover don’t tell the story! Does Face Value have Value? Depression