1 Workplace Emotions, Values, and Ethics
2 Agenda Collect team research questions and subtopics Review case study requirements Discuss emotions, then values and ethics
3 Written Case Study Due September 24 Select Case Study 3.2 OR 4.2 from your text –Do not respond to both –Articles are available on textbook website Answer questions printed in textbook No more than three double-spaced pages
4 Emotions When is it appropriate to display emotions at work? Cross-cultural differences in emotional display norms –More appropriate in Italy than in Japan
5 Emotional Labor Required emotional displays at work –Think back to study on emotional displays by bank tellers –Required in many jobs Emotional dissonance is a major source of job burnout Can you train people to display certain emotions?
6 Emotional Intelligence We know cognitive ability, or intelligence, predicts job performance Emotional intelligence can also be important –Ability to monitor feelings and emotions and interact with people appropriately –Most important in jobs that require extensive social interaction
7 Job Satisfaction Personal evaluation of job and work context Can be satisfied with some elements but not others Satisfaction is related to: –Turnover –Absenteeism –Theft –Customer service
8 Organizational Commitment Emotional attachment to the organization –Affective –Continuance Commitment is related to –Turnover –Motivation –Organizational citizenship
9 Other types of commitment Can also be committed to –Profession (e.g., nursing, accounting) –Union –Customer Can hold dual commitments –Multiple organizational units (e.g., expatriates committed to home and overseas units)
10 What role do values have in organizations? Guide decision making –Joining organizations –Using resources –Making corporate donations –Sponsoring community activities Can be major source of conflict
11 Defining mission, vision, values Done by many organizations Defining desired values helps to –Make it explicit for everyone –Assess if demonstrated values are off-track
12 Example Values Statements “We pledge personal respect, fair compensation and honest and equitable treatment.” –“The Coca-Cola Company exists to benefit and refresh everyone who is touched by our business.”
13 Work should be fun? Companies known to value fun –Southwest Airlines “Southwest Airlines People Department Feel Free To Actually Enjoy What You Do” –Ben and Jerry’s Often displayed on recruiting web pages and documents
14 Cultural differences in values Individualism vs. collectivism Power distance Uncertainty avoidance Achievement vs. nurturing orientation Long- vs. short-term orientation Work-life balance
15 Work-Life Balance in the US US has longest average hours of work (just under 2000/yr) 70% of US workers worked 40 or more hours a week –14% in Germany –8% in Netherlands Many industrialized countries put more emphasis on family life and leisure
16 Ethics Moral principles or values that determine whether actions are right or wrong What is the difference between “ethical” and “legal”? Many companies define ethical principles and provide training on ethics –Important part of business school curriculum
17 Social responsibility Moral obligation toward others who are affected by the organization –Stakeholders –Members of the community –Employees What if the moral obligation conflicts with making money??? –What about staying in business? –How to deal with conflict among interest groups?
18 Individual Role in Ethics and Social Responsibility Learn about corporate values and ethics Use values and ethics when making choices about –Employment –Investments –Consumer behavior What can you do if your employer asks you to participate in something you feel is unethical?
19 For next class Topic: Current topics in ethics and social responsibility Identify an organization that demonstrates ethics or social responsibility in a way that you value –Websites typically provide relevant information –Be ready to give a brief (1-2 min) presentation on the company you select