COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL | FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY | DO NOT COPY Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County: Blue Ash Branch SWOT Assessment Strengths Public Library system 40 branches and on-line services Main branch manages volunteer program Local Branch Leadership/ expertise/ experience Healthy relationship with community leaders Engaging relationships with patrons Large pool of volunteers of all ages Many services organized by Central Office Volume site, electronic application process/in-person interview Weaknesses Service challenges due to high volume, overcrowded facility, few computers. Innovation lacks at local branch, relies on main branch Low engagement of volunteers on a daily basis No cheat sheets or review documents to assist learning curve of volunteers Limited time on library PCs per day. Limited role assignments, not varied by shift. E-tools/technology/internet limit Manual sign-in logs/automated scheduling not used. Opportunities Request management of processed volunteers program at the local branch. Add more formal engagement for on-boarding for new volunteers. Use volunteers based on their interest, skills/profession and availability. Offer inclusion in other activities and programs Provide buddy system to orientate new volunteers and mentor by employees. Monitor and critique completed tasks and assignments. Increase compture allowances Engage diverse staff and volunteers Yearly plan and marketing Engaging students and their parents Threats Volunteers disengage due to lack of challenging tasks Consolidation of central recruiting office Lack of diverse staff and volunteers Gaps in service to ethnic, age, social groups Other entities vying for same volunteers Continual budget cuts reducing staffing and services Unfullfilled volunteers due to demographic changes Low engagement of volunteers
Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County: Blue Ash Branch Mission statement 2
COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL | FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY | DO NOT COPY Clermont County Public Library: Miami-Milford Branch SWOT Assessment Strengths County wide Public Library system Easy access 40 branches and on0-line services Main branch manages volunteer program Local Branch Leadership/ expertise/ strong staff experience and knowledge Healthy relationship with community leaders Strong relationships with community Large pool of volunteers of all ages Weaknesses Service challenges due to high volume, overcrowded facility, few computers. Innovation lacks at local branch Low engagement of volunteers on a daily basis No cheat sheets or review documents to assist learning curve Limited time on library PCs per day. Limited role assignments, not varied by shift. Opportunities Request management of processed volunteers program at the local. Add more formal engagement for on-boarding for new volunteers. Use volunteers based on their interest, skills and availability. Offer inclusion in other activities and programs Provide buddy system to orientate new volunteers and mentor by employees. Monitor and critique completed tasks and assignments. Threats Volunteers disengage due to lack of challenging tasks Consolidation of providers and brokers leads to decreased leverage Similar to Individual and SG, once ACA eligible, there is a potential for enhanced focus on this block by non traditional carriers (ie CareSource, HealthSpan etc…) Rx pricing disadvantage UHC and MMO KEY pricing/ renewal strategy 3
COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL | FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY | DO NOT COPY Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County: Milford-Miami Branch Mission statement Strengths The minssion of the ocommuntiyLalkdsmflksd community Large pool of volunteers of all ages Weaknesses Service challenges due to high volume, overcrowded facility, few computers. library PCs per day. Limited role assignments, not varied by shift. Opportunities Request management of processed volunteers program at the local. Add more formal engagement for on-boarding for new completed tasks and assignments. Threats Volunteers disengage due to lack of challenging tasks Consolidation of providers and brokers leads to decreased leverage pricing/ renewal strategy 4
COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL | FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY | DO NOT COPY Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County: Milford-Miami Branch Mission statement Strengths The minssion of the ocommuntiyLalkdsmflksd community Large pool of volunteers of all ages Weaknesses Service challenges due to high volume, overcrowded facility, few computers. library PCs per day. Limited role assignments, not varied by shift. Opportunities Request management of processed volunteers program at the local. Add more formal engagement for on-boarding for new completed tasks and assignments. Threats Volunteers disengage due to lack of challenging tasks Consolidation of providers and brokers leads to decreased leverage pricing/ renewal strategy 5