Archimedes – Supporting problem based learning in SMEs through IT facilitated mentoring Ileana Hamburg Institut Arbeit und Technik (IAT), Gelsenkirchen, Germany Gabriel Vladut IPA CIFATT, Craiova-Romania
SMEs in Europe Different countries and sectors define SMEs differently and there are many classifications for different fields regarding to employment, sales or investment. European Commission has developed criteria for SME including employee numbers, turnover and balance sheet statistics. After years of an uncertain economic situation, for some SMEs the recovery process is difficult. Low demand for the goods and services, which SMEs produce, explains why the SMEs’ performance did not recover to previous ones in some member states. Positive growth was reported in business services, retail and wholesale trade; the construction industry has suffered severely The degree of recovery of SMEs from 2008 to 2013.
Generally many SMEs are struggling to survive in an ongoing global recession and often they are becoming reluctant to release or pay for staff training which can improve staff competences and contribute to improve this situation.
Learning in SMEs Figure 2: Variables for training
Results of projects show that SMEs are restristected in the efficient use of technology for learning and in adequate management learning approaches. The most used learning in SMEs is informal one and the predominant training method is workplace training for daily tasks and “being low-cost”. Also the blending of face to face training, self-paced e-learning and is not efficiently used. The managers should understand the importance of using other forms of learning like problem based learning, mobilelearning, webinars, access to on-demand learning resources and social learning supported by social media.
PBL: was proven as an efficient approach to develop higher order thinking and critical thinking skills is suitable for entrepreneurship education i.e., by presenting properly real problems like “starting a business” creates motivation in the students Steps which could be used by teaching PBL: Clarifying the task Defining the problem Brainstorming Rating of Brainstorming outcomes Formulating learning objectives to cover knowledge deficits Self-study Rating of possible solutions and working out a final solution Reflection Problem Based Learning (PBL)
How can we use ICT within Problem Based Learning? A range of learning technologies and social media may be used within PBL to enhance the flexibility and the scalability of the PBL approach Developing effective online tools and processes for PBL will enable a larger number of users Online tools enable to save and evaluate learning results for later use
The project “Supporting PBL in entrepreneurial education and SMEs through ICT facilitated mentoring – Archimedes” will: develop a framework for organisational problem-based learning and supports the use of this form of learning support PBL by an ICT platform helping tutor and participants
Figure 2: Homepage of the Archimedes ICT platform
Figure 3: Problem overview on the ICT platform
Figure 4: PBL steps visualised on the ICT platform
Conclusions PBL is suitable for entrepreneurship education, i.e. by presenting properly real problems like “starting a business”. It creates motivation in the students. During the PBL process learners should discuss the problems, define what they know, generate hypotheses, derive learning goals and organise further work Implementation of PBL requires some changes in the curriculum of entrepreneurship education and in SME learning strategies as well as and trainers/teachers with special knowledge Projects should be developed in this context
2.1 Mentoring Mentoring is a human resource development approach is a vital aspect of knowledge management brings in expertise from business has been used in Europe for a long time involves guidance and suggestion, as well as the development of autonomous skills, judgments, personal and professional master ship, expertise, trust and the development of self-confidence over the time
Mentoring on the job where the mentors are companies’ employees have advantages because the companies’ employees know the work processes, what knowledge is needed for their efficiency and which the companies’ knowledge resources are A company that use mentors for newcomers or staff with special needs can have benefits from mentoring by: a quick introduction of the mentee into formal and informal company structures and demands, facilitating a deliberate, systematic and smooth transfer of technical or internal knowledge, opportunities to shape the workforce of the future in an international, deliberate way to meet company strategic goals and objectives, training of social competence of the mentee and the mentor.
Mentees meet with a trusted person to: achieve i.e. entrepreneurial skills and/or enter into a work place quickly and to cope with initial problems discuss and resolve emerging job problems of genuine nature and in relation to the individual needs, learn setting realistic goals and achieving them to acquire new skills and enhance their skills and thus their future career opportunities and prospects in the future through the KT from the mentor, build relationships or interactions allowing them to secure, maintain and advance in the job choosing a way that corresponds to the work routines and social actions of other employees. Mentors improve their personal fulfilment from investing in others, feel valued as a role model, gain a new appreciation, etc.
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