Machinery Cooling Water System Locations and Operations
The Machinery Cooling Water System is actually quite simple, so we can point out the general locations of components and explain operations simultaneously. All components are in the Engine Room and VSP Room, and once the system is set up for daily operation, it should require little operator interaction. Machinery Cooling Water System
Design Drawing A good place to start in understanding the configuration and operation of this system is the Design Drawing. The system is actually laid out in the fireboat very closely to this line drawing.
PORT Machinery Cooling Water Seachest, Seachest Valve, Basket Strainer, Seachest Manifold Isolation Valve STBD Machinery Cooling Water Seachest, Seachest Valve, Basket Strainer, Seachest Manifold Isolation Valve The system is designed to run with both port and starboard seachests open. Should one of seachest become fouled with debris, no need to shut down! The opposite seachest can still provide enough water to supply all machinery while the fouled seachest is being cleared, and the strainer basket serviced. Machinery Cooling Water System
Servicing the Machinery Cooling System Basket Strainer Leave opposite seachest valve, and manifold isolation valve open. On the strainer to be serviced: 1.Close Seachest Valve 2.Close Manifold Isolation Valve 3.Open Strainer Lid 4.Clean Stainer 5.Replace Strainer 6.Secure lid (don’t use hammer!) 7.Open Manifold Isolation Valve 8.Open Sea Chest Valve 9.Check for leaks around lid.
Machinery Cooling Water System Port and Starboard Machinery Cooling Water Seachest Vents Easy to locate. Straight up from their respective seachests, through the maindeck and outboard near the bulwarks
Machinery Cooling Water System Port and Starboard Machinery Cooling Water Seachest Vents Normally Open Blow-Down Connection Port Stbd
Machinery Cooling Water System Seachest Blow-Down Procedure 1. Attached a regular air hose to the Seachest Blow- Down air chuck that is mounted just aft of Pump Engine #1. (A 50 foot air hose should reach.) Note: This is the only fitting “designated” for blow down. It is regulated to 15 psi.
Confirm both air supply valves for the Seachest Blow- Down fitting are open. These valves are just forward of the location of the air chuck you just attached the hose to. (We can leave these valves Normally Open) Seachest Blow-Down Procedure Machinery Cooling Water System
2. Close the Seachest Vent ball valve. 3. Connect the air hose to the air chuck between the vent ball valve and seachest globe check valve. 4. Leave seachest globe check valve open 5. Open ball valve at air chuck to begin blow down of sea chest. Seachest Blow-Down Procedure Machinery Cooling Water System
Seawater Cooling Circuits Seawater enters through either the port or starboard seachest, passes through the basket strainer to capture debris, and is available to the individual machinery branch lines via the 10 inch athwartships cooling water manifold. This manifold is pictured here and it is at the forward Engine Room bulkhead.
Machinery Cooling Water System Seawater Cooling Circuits Individual machinery cooling water branch lines tap into the 10 inch manifold at various locations along the manifold’s length. Each branch line will have an isolation valve in close proximity to the manifold. Most of these valves are under the E/R floor plates. These valves are Normally Open
Machinery Cooling Water System Seawater Cooling Circuits Although these valves are normally open, we still need to identify their locations so we can always verify proper orientation, operation, and maintenance. The following pieces of machinery are connected to this manifold with individual isolation valves: 1.Port Main Engine 2.Starboard Main Engine 3.Port Generator 4.Starboard Generator 5.Pump Engine #1 6.Pump Engine #2 7.Pump Engine #3 8.Auxiliary Seawater Cooling Pump #1 (Sea water cooling for Port VSP and Lufkin Gear Boxes 9.Auxiliary Seawater Cooling Pump #2 (Sea water cooling for Starboard VSP and Lufkin Gear Boxes. 10.A/C Cooling Pump #1 (A/C heat exchange) 11.A/C Cooling Pump #2 (A/C heat exchange)
Machinery Cooling Water System Seawater Cooling Circuits Engines Sea water leaves the manifold, travels through the branch lines and into the raw water pumps for each engine. Flexible connection CAT 3512 Raw water pump
Seawater Cooling Circuits Engines Machinery Cooling Water System The sea water circulates through the heat exchanger on each engine, exits, and then heads out the overboard discharge. CAT 3512 Heat Exchanger Flexible Connection Seawater Cooling Discharge Piping
Machinery Cooling Water System Seawater Cooling Circuits Engines Leaving the engine, the seawater heads on out the overboard. Each engine has its own independent overboard discharge globe check valve. These valves are Normally Open.
Machinery Cooling Water System Seawater Cooling Circuits Engines Here is what the seawater cooling overboard discharge looks like for the Starboard Generator. Normally Open
Machinery Cooling Water System Seawater Cooling Circuits Engines This is Pump Engine #3 (CAT C-12 hand line pump engine) Sea water cooling overboard discharge. Normally Open All machinery cooling overboard discharge valves are Normally Open
Machinery Cooling Water System Seawater Cooling Circuits Auxiliary Sea Water Cooling Pumps The Auxiliary Sea Water Cooling Pumps provide seawater cooling for the Port and Starboard VSP oil coolers, and Lufkin Gear Boxes. Two (2) 460 VAC, 60 hz, 3 phase motors driving centrifugal pumps rated at psi. Port Pump #1 provides seawater cooling for Port VSP, and Port Lufkin Gearbox, and Starboard Pump #2 provides seawater cooling for Starboard VSP and Starboard Lufkin.
Machinery Cooling Water System Auxiliary Sea Water Pump Normal Configuration All valves in these circuits are normally open and the pumps are normally configured to start automatically when you start a Main Propulsion Engine. The Port M.E. will start the Port Auxiliary Cooling Water Pump (Pump #1), and the Starboard M.E. will start the Starboard Auxiliary Cooling Water Pump (Pump #2). Seawater Cooling Circuits Auxiliary Sea Water Cooling Pumps
Machinery Cooling Water System Seawater Cooling Circuits Auxiliary Sea Water Cooling Pumps Auxiliary Sea Water Pump Normal Configuration 1. Verify Open suction valves for both Port and Starboard Auxiliary Cooling Pumps.
Machinery Cooling Water System Seawater Cooling Circuits Auxiliary Sea Water Cooling Pumps Auxiliary Sea Water Pump Normal Configuration 2. Verify Port and Starboard Auxiliary Sea Water Cooling Pump discharge valves are open
Machinery Cooling Water System Seawater Cooling Circuits Auxiliary Sea Water Cooling Pumps Auxiliary Sea Water Pump Normal Configuration 3. Ensure sea water cooling inlet valve at both Port and Starboard VSP Oil Cooler are open.
Machinery Cooling Water System Seawater Cooling Circuits Auxiliary Sea Water Cooling Pumps Auxiliary Sea Water Pump Normal Configuration 4. Ensure sea water cooling inlet valve for both port and starboard Lufkin gear boxes are open.
Machinery Cooling Water System Seawater Cooling Circuits Auxiliary Sea Water Cooling Pumps Auxiliary Sea Water Pump Normal Configuration 5. Ensure port and starboard Auxiliary Sea Water Pump Overboard Discharge valves are open.
Machinery Cooling Water System Seawater Cooling Circuits Auxiliary Sea Water Cooling Pumps Auxiliary Sea Water Pump Normal Configuration Configure selector switches on Motor Controller Console (MCC) on Main Switchboard to “A” (Automatic Run) Port Propulsion Seawater Cooling Pump #1 Starboard Propulsion Seawater Cooling Pump #2
Machinery Cooling Water System Seawater Cooling Circuits Auxiliary Sea Water Cooling Pumps Auxiliary Sea Water Pump Hand Starting Should either Auxiliary Sea Water Cooling Pump fail to start automatically when you start its respective main engine, you can: Switch the selector switch to “H” (For hand operation) Then push in the motor controller start button. The pump motor should start. If it does not, you’ve got other issues…
Machinery Cooling Water System Seawater Cooling Circuits Auxiliary Sea Water Cooling Pumps Auxiliary Sea Water Pump Hand Starting …If that didn’t work, the breaker behind the MCC may need to be re-set. If the pump still will not run, it is OOS. But this will not put the fireboat OOS. We can still configure the VSP and Lufkin Gear Boxes to receive seawater cooling from the Port and Starboard Main Engine Raw Water Discharges. We will use the Starboard side propulsion system as an example in the following slides:
Machinery Cooling Water System Seawater Cooling Circuits Auxiliary Sea Water Cooling Pumps Auxiliary Sea Water Emergency Supply Configuration (Using Starboard Auxiliary Sea Water Cooling Pump Failure as example) 1.Open Seawater Cooling Emergency Supply Globe Check Valve. This branches off the Starboard M.E. raw water overboard discharge line.
2. Close the Starboard Auxiliary Cooling Water Pump Discharge Valve Machinery Cooling Water System Seawater Cooling Circuits Auxiliary Sea Water Cooling Pumps Auxiliary Sea Water Emergency Supply Configuration (Using Starboard Auxiliary Sea Water Cooling Pump Failure as example)
Machinery Cooling Water System Seawater Cooling Circuits Auxiliary Sea Water Cooling Pumps Auxiliary Sea Water Emergency Supply Configuration (Using Starboard Auxiliary Sea Water Cooling Pump Failure as example) 3. Close Starboard M.E. Sea Water Overboard Discharge
Machinery Cooling Water System Seawater Cooling Circuits Auxiliary Sea Water Cooling Pumps Auxiliary Sea Water Emergency Supply Configuration (Using Starboard Auxiliary Sea Water Cooling Pump Failure as example) That’s it! The Starboard M.E. Raw Water pump will now circulate seawater through the VSP oil cooler and Lufkin Gear Box cooling water circuits and out the Auxiliary Sea Water Cooling Overboard Discharge. You can run in this configuration until you trouble-shoot the Auxiliary Sea Water Cooling Pump issue or replace the pump motor.
Machinery Cooling Water System Seawater Cooling Circuits A/C Sea Water Cooling Pumps The HVAC Condensing Units exchange heat with circulating seawater, which then continues overboard. We will discuss the HVAC Condensing Units in more detail when we cover that system. The A/C seawater cooling pumps will be described here since they pull seawater from the 10 inch Machinery Cooling Water Manifold.
Seawater Cooling Circuits A/C Sea Water Cooling Pumps Machinery Cooling Water System A/C Sea Water Cooling Pumps #1 and #2 pull water from a common suction, which is connected to the 10 in cooling water manifold with a single butterfly valve. Normally Open
Machinery Cooling Water System Seawater Cooling Circuits A/C Sea Water Cooling Pumps To service the strainer: 1.Open Bi-Pass Valve 2.Close strainer Isolation Valves 3.Pull Strainer and service 4.Reverse order to place back into normal operation Seawater comes up and through a basket strainer. Two basket strainer isolation valves (Normally Open), and a strainer bi-pass valve (Normally closed), allow the basket strainer to be service while the pumps are running.
Machinery Cooling Water System Seawater Cooling Circuits A/C Sea Water Cooling Pumps Each A/C Seawater Cooling Pump has its own suction and discharge valves. Discharge Valves Normally Open Suction Valves Normally Open
Machinery Cooling Water System Seawater Cooling Circuits A/C Sea Water Cooling Pumps Seawater leaves the pumps and goes through the forward E/R bulkhead into the VSP Room.
Machinery Cooling Water System Seawater Cooling Circuits A/C Sea Water Cooling Pumps In the VSP Room the A/C Sea Water enters each HVAC Condensing Unit through an inlet valve. Normally Open It circulates through the condensing units, exchanging heat with the tempered water. It then exits through each condensing unit’s Sea Water Outlet Valve. Normally Open
Machinery Cooling Water System Seawater Cooling Circuits A/C Sea Water Cooling Pumps The sea water is then returned aft, under the VSP room floor plates, Through the aft VSP room/forward E/R bulkhead, and then out overboard discharge. The A/C Sea Water Cooling Overboard Discharge ball check valve is Normally Open
Machinery Cooling Water System Seawater Cooling Circuits A/C Sea Water Cooling Pumps Just like the Auxiliary Seawater Cooling pumps, The A/C Sea Water Cooling pumps are normally configured for automatic operation on the MCC. Just place the selector switch to “A” for automatic operation. The thermostats will start/stop the pump as heat/cooling demand changes. They may also be start/stopped manually if the selector switch is in “H” or hand mode.