Quiet and Seated Phones in basket Agenda – just right down the objective.


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Presentation transcript:

Quiet and Seated Phones in basket Agenda – just right down the objective


1. What Virginia lawyer’s passionate speeches in the House of Burgesses called for independence from Great Britain?

2. Name at least 2 reasons why the Continental Army won the Revolutionary War.

3. Name the 3 cultural regions of the 13 British colonies.

4. What man from Boston helped spark the American Revolution by leading the Sons of Liberty and forming the Committees of Correspondence?

5. During the Revolution, many women followed the army where they helped by _______, ________, and _______ wounded soldiers.

6. The _____________ Colonies were Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut, and Rhode Island.

7. The ____________ Act required the colonists to house and feed the British soldiers stationed in America.

8. ______ ______ ______ was America’s most famous naval officer especially because of his amazing victory over the British warship, The Serapis, in which he cried, “I have not yet begun to fight!”

9. The __________Colonies were characterized by Puritan religious values, fishing, shipping & commerce, and subsistence farming.

10. The first person killed at the Boston Massacre was a free African American sailor whose name was _________ _________.

1.What Virginia lawyer’s passionate speeches in the House of Burgesses called for independence from Great Britain? Patrick Henry

2. Name at least 2 reasons why the Continental Army won the Revolutionary War. Leadership, home field, motivation, foreign assistance

3. Name the 3 cultural regions of the 13 British colonies. N.E., Middle, Southern

4. What man from Boston helped spark the American Revolution by leading the Sons of Liberty and forming the Committees of Correspondence? Sam Adams

5. During the Revolution, many women followed the army where they helped by cooked, cleaned & cared wounded soldiers.

6. The N.E. Colonies were Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut, and Rhode Island.

7. The Quarting Act required the colonists to house and feed the British soldiers stationed in America.

8. John Paul Jones was America’s most famous naval officer especially because of his amazing victory over the British warship, The Serapis, in which he cried, “I have not yet begun to fight!”

9. The N.E. Colonies were characterized by Puritan religious values, fishing, shipping & commerce, and subsistence farming.

10. The first person killed at the Boston Massacre was a free African American sailor whose name was Crispus Attucks

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