1. Forest with rich soil 2. person who works 5 – 7 years in exchange for trip to colonies 3. place owned by a distant country 4. group of colonies owned by distant country 5. person taken from home and forced to work
6. small military camp 7. government with king in control 8. government where people elect the leaders 9.government with dictator in control 10. no job, no money
11. indirect process for electing the Pres. 12. approve by voting 13. changes to Constitution 14. economic belief – sell more than you buy 15.volunteer army 16. people have the power in government
17.NA SA Europe Asia Africa Antarctica Australia / Pacific Ocean, Atlantic, Indian, Arctic 18.use the map in the book on page 101 19. use the map in the book on page 101 Jamestown, VA founded 1620 – Plymouth, Mass founded 21. Declaration of Independence signed
22.Constitution written 23. first representative assembly in colonies 24. plan for self-government in Plymouth 25. first written constitution in the colonies 26.pamphlet written by Thomas Paine - to stay and fight
27.document guaranteeing many freedoms 28. document limiting power of king 29. colonists supporting war & colonies 30. colonist supporting England 31. pamphlet – Thomas Paine – convince people to come and fight
32. letter sent by the 2 nd Continental Congress asking the King to repeal Intolerable Acts to ensure peace 33. agreement to have 3 of every 5 slaves be counted towards population to get more representatives (votes) for states 34. New England – trade/shipping Middle – farming Southern – farming 35. Georgia – help those in debt Jamestown, VA – make $ Plymouth, Massachusetts – religious freedom
36. don’t tax colonies unless we can be represented in Parliament 37. placed a tax on lead, paper, glass, paint, tea = because of this colonist boycott British goods 38. colonists dump tea into Boston’s Harbor – so the King closes port in Boston 39 uprising in Boston – Crispus Attucks dies 40. document telling the King the colonies are now free – stated that people have unalienable rights that he cannot take away
41. paper ending the American Revolution (1783) 42. list of our basic laws setting up our government (1787) 43. first try at national government – very loose alliance – no national strength – all the power was with the states; problems: did not have to pay taxes, did not have to fight with the army; no national courts 44. divided towns into sections of 36; one was set aside for schools
45. set up a government in the Northwest; outlawed slavery in NW; when an area had 60,000 people they could become a state 46.combined the VA and NJ plans to make states happy about balancing the votes 47. large farms creating need for slaves as workers because there was a labor shortage 48. president of Continental Congress
49. author of Declaration of Independence 50. minuteman that warned others of regulars coming 51.first person killed in Revolution at the Boston Massacre 52.philosopher who believed all are equal and the government’s power should be limited 53.author of Constitution 54.wrote American Crisis and Common Sense
55. first two political parties 56. original name of New York 57. first permanent settlement in NA ; in Virginia 58. area where Pilgrims and Puritans settled; in Massachusetts 59. area where Washington and his men spent a horrible winter
60. area where Washington surprised the Hessians at Christmas 61. turning point of the Revolution because France and Spain decided to help us 62. last major battle of the Revolution 63. uprising by Massachusetts farmer; showed the Articles of Confederation did not work
64. first battle of the Revolution 65. battle that the British won by advancing three times on Americans