INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS (Course number GOVT 298, Fall 2012) Car Barn (CBN) Room 202 Class day & time: Tuesday & Thursday, 11am-12:15pm Instructor: James Raymond Vreeland, Professor 2.0JamesRaymondVreeland WE ARE GLOBAL GEORGETOWN! 1
Who is this guy? WEGG
What is this class about? 3
Two words*: Cooperation & Sacrifice 4
Among states Formalized through “institutions” Scary but exciting times (GFC 2008) *Change 5
Expectations?... 1.Substance: International Organizations –Focus: Intergovernmental Organizations –Others: Non-governmental Organizations, Multinational Corporations 2.Analytical tools 3.Standards of Excellence 6
What do professors do? Teaching Service Research 7
My classes International Political Economy –Economics: distribution of scarce resources –Politics: the role of the state in such distribution –International: how the flows of such resources across borders plays a role Flows: goods & service (trade), money (capital mobility), people (immigration), pollutants (the environment), violence (terrorism) International Organizations –The ways international institutions impact these flows The IMF –Specific financial flows 8
Pedagogy Substance Analytical tools Teaching to fish 9
Technology in the classroom Professor 2.0 – bring your laptops to class Syllabus: Google: Google scholar: – Wikipedia? 10
Service (Meetings, committees) Advising students Service to the profession –Conferences –Reviewing research –Giving talks… 11
Research Informs what I teach Keeps me on the cutting edge Signals to the world Georgetown faculty strength –Signal attracts great students (peers) –Signals employers the university’s caliber 12
Striving for a global impact Teaching: Research position: Presentations of research: 13
Cultural exchanges Co-authors 14
You 15
You 16
You 17
You 18
What are YOUR responsibilities in this class? Go to the syllabus!
Grading (mix of cooperation & conflict) Standards of excellence Greatness in this room! 20
Questions, please 21