Land Syllabus Technology Education
Essential Questions 1.What is Land Transportation? 2.What role does Land Transportation play in our lives?
Objectives By the end of the semester, the students will be able to: 1.State different forms of Land Transportation 2.Demonstrate different forms of Land Transportation 3.Demonstrate an understanding of Land Transportation
Research Paper Topic: Important Technological Advances in Land Transportation. A specific part of Land Transportation will be assigned to you. When writing the paper it is important to focus on 1. WHY is this this topic important and WHO invented it? WHEN did this take place? WHERE did this occur? HOW were problems resolved, if any? WHAT impacts resulted socially, economically, and environmentally both positive and negative?
Research Paper Research Paper The paper must be typed, double spaced, 12 point TIMES NEW ROMAN font and no less than 2 pages. Resources used will be listed on a separate sheet in proper format. Each student will be presenting their topic in front of the class with a minimum limit of 3 minutes. If you are not prepared you will lose credit on this. No more than 3 min. no less than 5 min.
In class Projects: Rat Trap Racer- Distance Rat Trap Racer- Speed Rat Trap Racer- Up Ramp CO2 Cars Hydraulic Suspension Cars Off Road Jumper Cars Chopper Bikes Roller Coasters Other projects can be assigned at any time.
Exams and Quizzes A final exam will be based on lectures, notes, and handouts and discussions from the entire semester. A final project will count towards your Final Exam A pre-test and post test will be given for each project to ensure proper understanding
Homework Periodically homework will be given. Homework must be done in a legible and timely manner.
Sketches/Drawings Sketches and Drawings are required for each project. Four sketches are worth 50 points and the one initial project is worth 50 points to make up the 100 points. If you only have 3 sketches you get 0 points. If your initial drawing is not done with rough dimensions, straight lines, and parts description you lose points.
Evaluation Homework10% Participation10% Projects50% Safety Tests15% Unit Tests15%