SUPPLY LIST (2) - Spiral or Composition Notebook (1) - Prong Folder with pockets Pencils with Extra Erasers 1 set of Highlighters Wide Rule Loose Leaf Paper EXTRA FOR CLASS USE: Dry-Erase Markers, Hand Sanitizer, Tissues, Wet Wipes/Lysol Wipes, Pencils/Erasers Lake Weir Middle School Sixth Grade Math Miss Kathryn Fields Contact Info: Building 4 Room 134 (352) CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS 1. Be on time, on task, & prepared to learn EVERYDAY. 2. Respect the teacher, the classroom, other students and yourself. 3. Be responsible for your own learning. Be in Class, Not Absent! 4. Clean up after yourself and your peers. 5. Keep all personal electronics put AWAY! GRADING POLICY 45% Tests & Projects 45% Classwork & Folder Checks 10% Homework (Mon-Thurs HW) You can get whatever grade you want as long as you are wanting and willing to work in my class. You will not fail this class if you do your work, turn it in on time, and are present in class for all assignments. Late Work=10 Pts Subtracted per Day PENCILS ONLY! Work completed in Pen will not be accepted, MATH leads to mistakes happening and pens will be provided by me, if needed. Absent: You have 1 day to turn in make-up work and it is your responsibility to gather your missed work from the bin. CONSEQUENCES 1 ST Offense: Warning 2 nd Offense: Eagle Break (Parent Contact) 3 rd Offense: Lunch Detention (Parent Contact) 4 th Offense: Referral ATTENDENCE A necessity for you to pass not only my class, but the school year is to be in class everyday. If possible, make appointments after school hours, early release days, and school holidays. I want to see your face everyday in my classroom! PROCEDURES Entering: Turn in homework/missing work/ make-up work into your class bin, copy down homework in planner, and have your group bin! Begin your BellWork! Instruction: Stay in your seat unless you have permission or for activities. Group bins have borrowed writing utensils for classroom use and need to be replaced before you can leave. You will be graded for your participation in your groups because in the workplace, we as adults have to work together. Block Days is where group projects of higher level math concepts will be applied—FUN!! Leaving: When the bell rings, you will be release when your group has cleared their area, all borrowed materials are in the group bin and the bucket has been returned to the student counter.
Bell Schedules Regular – Bell Schedule Period 1: 9: :18 Period 2: 10:22 – 11:10 Period 3: 11:14 – 12:54 Lunch: A) 11:10 – 11:35 B) 11:36 – 12:01 C) 12:03 – 12:28 D) 12:29 – 12:54 Period 4: 12:58 – 1:46 Period 5: 1:50 – 2:38 Period 6: 2:42 – 3:30 Block – Bell Schedule Period 1/2: 9:30 – 11:10 Period 3/4: 11:14 – 1:46 Lunch: A) 11:10 – 11:35 B) 11:36 – 12:01 C) 12:03 – 12:28 D) 12:29 – 12:54 Period 5/6: 1:50 – 3:30 *Thursday: Odd (1, 3, 5) *Friday: Even (2, 4, 6) Early Release – Bell Schedule Period 1/2: 9:30 – 10:55 9:30 – 9:55: Safety Drill Time 9:55 – 10:55: Lesson Period 3/4: 10:59 – 12:26 Grab & Go Lunch: 11:00 – 11:27 Period 5/6: 12:30 – 1:30 Odd Blocks Sept. 16 Oct. 28 Dec. 9 Apr. 6 Even Blocks Sept. 30 Nov. 11 Feb. 24 May 18