E DUCATION T HROUGH C OLLABORATION I NITIATIVE (ETCI) Online & In-Class graduate program with Internship.
COST COMPARISON Traditional Track 4-Year in-classroom ETCI Track 3 year + 1 year Internship Undergraduate courseBAGeneralist of Psychology Total Credit Hours120 Total Courses40 # of Credit Hours/Course33 Cost/ Credit HourFixed: $400Min: $0 to Max: $450 Misc. Fee/Semester (Non re-fundable)5000 Total Cost Educational (approximate) Living Expenses12000None Total Cost65,00015,000
ETCI ADVANTAGES DetailsTraditional 4-Yr Program (A)Education through Collaboration Initiative (B) Advantages (ETCI vs. 4YrGP) Introduction to Psychology Topics: 1.Biological bases of behavior 2.Perception 3.Motivation 4.Emotion 5.Learning 6.Memory 7.Development 8.Intelligence 9.Personality 10.Mental disturbance 11.Social influence. 12.Research methodology Topics: 1.Biopsychology 2.Perception 3.Motivation 4.Emotion 5.Learning 6.Memory 7.Development 8.Intelligence 9.Personality 10.Psychological Disorders 11.Social Environment 12.Psychology as a Science 13.Sensation 14.Cognition 15.Language 16.Treatment Includes 5 additional topics (Green) Offered By Local State University on Campus Coursera Online versus in-class, that helps save travel time and cost. Time Commitment 12 weeks of study 6 – 8 hours/Week 12 weeks of study 8-10 hours/week Student can commit to time based on their individual needs. Affiliation Independently Managed Cross Collaboration Course professors: Georgia Institute of Technology Syllabus: Carnegie Mellon Platform: Online portal. Top universities provides course content and structure. Grading Process 2 Exams 12 quizzes: 1 quiz/week. Final Exam Helps to retain knowledge due to multiple tests per week. Course Cost $1500$0Free.
STUDENT PORTFOLIO Recommended Core Courses SemesterSchoolMethodCourse LinkCostTimeTopicsSyllabus Link PSY INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOLOGY Fall 2015CourseraOnline Course y Free12 weeks12https:// PSY BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE STATISTICS: INFERENCE Fall 2015 Harvard Extension Online Course cademics/courses/introduction- statistics-behavioral-sciences/24277 $1,35012 weeks 320/assignments/syllabus?_ga= PSY RESEARCH METHODS Fall 2015Alison Certified online course H-METHODS-IN-PSYCHOLOGY Free Self- Paced 25 METHODS-IN-PSYCHOLOGY#MODS PSY PSYCHOLOGY LABORATORY Spring 2016 State School (Local) Local In Class _program.php?catoid=13&poid=257 3# 1,20012 weeks20 rogram.php?catoid=13&poid=2573# PSY ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY Spring 2016 Study.com Credit Transferring Online Course abnormal-psych.html Free Self- Paced or 12 weeks 26 bnormal-psych.html#information PSY PSYCHOLOGY OF PERSONALITY Spring 2016 University of Phoenix Online & in- class y250.html NA12 weeks html#tab=topics PSY MEMORY AND COGNITION Summer 2016 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Courseware Online and-cognitive-sciences/9-10- cognitive-neuroscience-spring-2006/ Free Self- Paced 25 and-cognitive-sciences/9-10- cognitive-neuroscience-spring- 2006/syllabus/ PSY BIOLOGICAL BASIS OF BEHAVIOR Summer 2016 State School (Local) Local In Classhttp://catalog.csuohio.edu/preview _program.php?catoid=13&poid=257 3# 1,20012 weeks20http://catalog.csuohio.edu/preview_p rogram.php?catoid=13&poid=2573#