Salford’s Winter Welfare scheme Les Laws Principal Officer - Affordable Warmth
Cold homes & health Cold homes have a big impact on health. Cold homes worsen existing illness such as heart conditions. Every winter, there are many early deaths, caused by vulnerable residents living in cold homes they cannot afford to heat.
Winter Welfare scheme Partners: Salford City Council’s Affordable Warmth Community, Health & Social Care Public Health Welfare Rights Age UK (Salford) Helping Hands Social Housing City West Housing Trust Salix Homes
Citywide Marketing Campaign Raise awareness of ways to keep warm, safe & well during cold weather Raise awareness of the help available to keep warm Encourage people to seek help if necessary Encourage all residents to check on vulnerable neighbours during cold weather
Winter Welfare Help Warm Packs Property Maintenance Checks Carbon Monoxide Detectors Heavy Blankets Footpath Clearing Grit Gutter Clearing
Who Qualifies? Older & Vulnerable Households: Aged 75 and over Housebound Have a long-term illness Recently discharged from hospital Have a health condition affected by cold & damp living conditions
Les Laws Tele: Web: Salford Winter Welfare scheme: Tele: Helping Hands - (0161) Web: