Maintain confidentiality. Support students in the classroom. Support the teacher by encouraging positive student behavior.
Peer Tutors are acting as agents of the school. Anything having to do with the students and their programming is strictly confidential. Do not bring friends to class with you...this breaks confidentiality! If you have questions or concerns, the teacher is the only person you are to talk to. Failure to comply with this will be grounds for immediate expulsion from the class and/or an “F”.
Whether in the Life Skills classroom or any other, your responsibility is to assist the teachers and student in achieving classroom success with as much independence as possible. The definition of “success” will vary depending on the student and the class.
Each student will have individual behavior issues that they will be working on. Please work with the teacher and support any behavior management plans that have been put into place. In general, you are a role model for these students---be a positive one!
Responsible. Capable of being depended on.
You are the special education teacher’s and parents’ link to other classes and job sites. If there are important things coming up I need to know right away!
If you have trouble with attendance...THIS IS NOT THE CLASS FOR YOU!
A good grade. A good attendance record. A good experience.
Points are outlined in the class syllabus. All assignments must be turned in when due. Very few if any exceptions will be permitted. The teacher will evaluate special circumstances on an individual basis.
Your attendance is directly tied to your grade. If you have poor attendance it will be LOSE/LOSE! You will lose grade points and attendance credit. DON’T BE TARDY OR TRUANT!!!!
If you have a sense of humor, but also work hard you will have a great time! Everyone you work with is AWESOME! So...enjoy!
The student is where they are supposed to be at all times. They are where they are supposed to be at all times. The students are safe.
The classroom staff need to be able to find the student at all times.
1) Remain calm. 2) If there are other students around send them to get the teacher or call 911 in the event of a serious emergency. 3) If there is no one else around yell for help.
1) Remain calm. 2) Follow classroom teacher’s instructions. 3) In the event of a fire/drill, bring the student to the seminary building before checking with your first period teacher.
You are to remain in class with the student at all times. If you leave a student in a class, the classroom teacher will report this to me and you will be put on probation. If it happens again you are expelled from the class.
While most of the student body is awesome, if there is a situation where the Life Skills student is being threatened by another student you must report this immediately. If a student is being verbally teased, you must stand up for them!