Charter College The post 16 experience
Post 16 Staff Year 12 Tutors 12C - Ms Darke/Ms Lucas 12T - Ms Waterman 12R - Mr Guest 12E - Ms Todd 12H - Ms Close 12S - Mr Smith 12A - Ms Marshall Mr Hand – Director of Learning: Post 16 Mr Reid – Head of Year 12 Ms Williams – Post 16 Interventions coordinator
Expectations Sixth form students commit themselves to: Minimum 32 Hours per week commitment Attendance and Punctuality 100% All Homework to be the quality of students target grade No dropping subjects Freedoms & Responsibilities Teamwork – valuing each other Use your increased freedom responsibly.
Setting the standards The first 5 weeks of this term will define what happens in the next two years. Limited Flexibility to change course and only in consultation with Subject teachers and agreed by the Director of Learning.
Relentless AS and A2 Levels are a relentless examination of your abilities, both academically and mentally and emotionally. They are tough, and do not pause for illness, bereavement, relationship issues, etc. You have finished working hard for your GCSE’s, you have had a break, you now must come back and work even harder. Some Year 12 students did not work hard enough and have been asked to leave the 6 th form. Minimum grade requirement is (2x D grades) Don’t be one of them
Student guidance and support Initial meetings with personal tutors Aspirational Targets set using prior attainment. Interim reporting every ½ term Key Cohorts met by DOL/Year Leader. Annual Reports Informal one-to one work at subject and tutor levels.
Reporting to Parents As in the Charter School Against aspirational predicted grades Every 7 weeks module report Charter Standard – Traffic Light Virtual Learning Environment Text messaging Letter Phone calls Evening Events
SANCTIONS Stage system Attendance Text Progress Contract Reports Parental Meetings Parental Contact Asked to leave…
Achievement Action Lower Average Points scores (less than 41.00) 1x Hour per week – Small group support Mentoring Skills to improve Learning Organisational Skills
Extra Curricular Duke of Edinburgh - Gold Ghana Trip Sports Leadership Award Yr 6 Literacy Mentoring Professional Mentoring 6 th Form sports teams Bronze Medallion: Lifeguard Award
Pastoral Personal Tutor Transition week AM registration Pastoral care – Wed period 5 Attendance Punctuality
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