DAILY ATTENDANCE Morning attendance should be done by 8:00 AM for Middle/High 8:30 AM for Elementary
ATTENDANCE THE FIRST WEEK OF SCHOOL Click on Quick Attendance (located under Attendance). Click on the No-Show (NS) code for each No-Show student. Important: If all students appear on the first day of school, the teacher must click on the ALL PRESENT button on the right hand side of the page to report 100% attendance. Students who continue to be No-Shows must be marked in the Gradebook as NS through Friday, August 22, 2014, for each day the student does not enter school for the first time. If a student shows up to your homeroom and was not present Monday send them down to the office or the student will be considered a NS. Important: Only the office can change an NS. If a student does not show up on your gradebook send them to the office, they might not be in the right place. NS should only be used by teachers on the first day of school. If a student is present on Monday and doesn’t show up on Tuesday click on U (unexcused absence).
ATTENDANCE BULLETINS Attendance bulletins will now be ed twice a day. 1 st – 9:45 AM 2 nd - 1:45 PM If you see a discrepancy please Didi Santana-Penas (main building) Bania Perez (elementary building)
NEW FORMS New Absence form, students will no longer be turning in their notes to the teachers. The students will be able to get this form during lunch. They will bring a portion of it to the teacher and the teacher will change it in Gradebook. If a student is absent to your class he/she can get one of these. (Ex. Tardy misses 1 st & 2 nd period.)
NEW FORMS This form is not an absence note, this pass allows the student into class. Only circumstance that this doesn’t allow a student into class is 1 st period, which they will be sent to Tardy Tank. This form is not an absence note, this pass allows the student out of class. Students will not be allowed to leave 30 minutes prior to the end of the day. Unless approved by an administrator.
RECAP Attendance needs to be done before 8:00 AM in the Middle/High and 8:30 AM in elementary. Attendance bulletins will be ed twice a day, and changes should be ed to the attendance manager in your school. The Attendance manager will no longer be changing attendance in you gradebook, she will only make changes to the daily attendance (which you will see on the far left end of your attendance per period.) Teachers will no longer handle notes, the student will need to bring it with them during lunch to receive their admins. The student will be responsible for showing each teacher and the teacher will change the attendance in his/her gradebook. Admins will be kept by the student (ex. stapled in agenda, given to parent)