Lions Clubs International District 105E Membership Retention
LIONS CLUBS INTERNATIONALYour International Headquarters 2 Membership Statistics District 105E
LIONS CLUBS INTERNATIONALYour International Headquarters 3 Recruitment District 105ECharter Members New Members Reinstated Members Transfer Member Total Additions District 105E
LIONS CLUBS INTERNATIONALYour International Headquarters 4 Retention District 105EDropped Members District 105E
LIONS CLUBS INTERNATIONALYour International Headquarters 5 Membership Growth District 105EAdded MembersDropped MembersMembership Growth District 105E
LIONS CLUBS INTERNATIONALYour International Headquarters 6 Why do Members Leave? District 105E Total Deceased9992 (12) Moved5022 (12) Non-Payment of Dues4260 (0) Non-Attendance & Non-Payment 9530 (0) Non-Attendance6620 (0) Resigned in Good Standing (108) Others60170 (0) Club Cancelled0000 (0) Transferred49112 (12) District 105E
LIONS CLUBS INTERNATIONALYour International Headquarters 7 Retention of Members What Can We Do About The Retention Of Members? Over To You! District 105E
LIONS CLUBS INTERNATIONALYour International Headquarters 8 What can we do about Retention of Members? Meeting Members Aspirations Self-Evaluation How are Your Ratings? ‘My Ideal Club’ programme A process to empower Clubs and Members to look to the future. District 105E
LIONS CLUBS INTERNATIONALYour International Headquarters 9 Growing & Strengthening Clubs ‘My Ideal Club’ … What is it all about? May be better calling it ‘Your Ideal Club’ A strong club is one that has the following characteristics; Service Minded Good Communications Strong & Consistent Membership plan Good Retention Programme Effective Club Operations District 105E
LIONS CLUBS INTERNATIONALYour International Headquarters 10 Members Skills Members Satisfaction LCI Membership Satisfaction Guide Provide Members with skills and knowledge to allow their aspirations to be fulfilled by helping others and the acknowledgement of being valued. District 105E
LIONS CLUBS INTERNATIONALYour International Headquarters 11 Why do Members Leave? Lengthy/Boring Meetings Politics/Cliques Lack of Involvement Lack of Working Together Clubs and Members have to become more flexible and accommodating. District 105E
LIONS CLUBS INTERNATIONALYour International Headquarters 12 Flexibility Cyber (Internet) Lions Club Sharing Individualism, Strengthening Community Changing with the Times Internet Clubs give the opportunity to form clubs with members from around the District – working together to make a difference. Carrying out business online helps keep Lions connected and helps the club get the business of serving its community quicker. Internet Club Benefits include: Expedited decision making Reduced organisation costs Increasing meeting attendance Maximised flexibility in scheduling District 105E
LIONS CLUBS INTERNATIONALYour International Headquarters 13 Quick Fix Ideas! Some ideas to improve Meetings and Retain Members Think Positively Share Your Enthusiasm Try Trimming Time Attendance Clues – Why aren’t they attending? Set the Tone Retention is for All Members New Members Make Great Greeters Make it Fun Have an informal gathering (Social) Share Praise Freely Communicate Constantly Use a member to give a programme Keep members interested Involve new members in activities Give Ownership Distribute details before meetings Assign members to work in sub- groups Limit discussions to Agenda Items Start & End on time Schedule a specific time for socialising Don’t let activities become stale Remember that the best time to retain members is BEFORE they show signs of dissatisfaction. District 105E
LIONS CLUBS INTERNATIONALYour International Headquarters 14 Where can information be found? Information regarding Membership Recruitment and Retention can be found: LCI Website ‘Toolbox For Clubs’ District 105E