Week Fourteen Agenda Announcements Link of the week Review week thirteen lab assignment Upcoming deadlines Are there any lab assignments that need to be graded? Final Exam Material Review the CGI script tag information. Demo CGI Web page. Review multiple choice questions on final exam The final exam is 2 hours. I recommend that students answer all questions on the exam. Student Presentations July 28.
Link of the week Device Drivers y.html?OVRAW=Hardware%20Drivers&OVKEY=hardware%20driver&OVMTC=stand ard&OVADID= &OVKWID= What are drivers? Why is it important to keep drivers up-to-date?
Review week thirteen lab assignment The Apache HTTP server must be instructed to locate the CGI scripts. Two more pieces of information are needed. 1) A program in that directory to be used as a CGI script. 2) A link in an HTML page to your CGI scrip The CGI script itself simply produces output to stdout. The HTTP server captures that output and sends it to the Web browser. The format of the output must be in a form that the Web browser can understand (HTML). The CGI script creates the HTML page every time it is run. The data provided to the HTML page can change with each execution of the script. Link to CGI script Need to provide a URL that points to the CGI script.
Next Lab Assignment CGI Script Display Web page cs.franklin.edu/~dandrear/itec400/CGI/sysInfo.cgi use declaration Format: use CGI start_html Displays the name of the script top left corner of browser start_form returns a tag with optional method, action, and form encoding that you specify Submit button sends all of the form information to the CGI program specified by the ACTION attribute. Without the button the form will be useless since it will never reach the CGI script. hr
Upcoming deadlines Public Domain/Open Source Paper, 13-1 is due 12/8 and 12/15. Programming Assignment 3, 14-1 is due 12/20. Final Exam, 15-1 will be administered 12/15 through 12/20.
Week Fourteen Conclusion I will post student names on the Announcement page when their exam is received by the Student Learning Center. All final grades must be submitted prior to 12:00 pm on 8/13. Questions Concerns Complaints