Anne Sexton Anne Gray Harvey Born in: Newton, Massachusetts
Known works: To Bedlam and Part Way Back (1960) All My Pretty Ones (1962) Live or Die (1966) The Death Notebooks (1974) The Awful Rowing Toward God (1975)
Her poems portray women in moments of crisis and they come out of deep and painful parts in her life She had a fragile personality; especially after her divorce As said she was “changing emotions into art” Her poems
Anne’s personal life In 1948 she married Alfred Sexton (Kayo) She worked as a fashion model Then in 1953 she had her first child, Linda Gray Sexton In 1954 she and Kayo gave birth to their second child, Joyce Ladd Sexton And at the age of 28, she began writing
Random facts: She was actually good friends with Sylvia Plath She traveled around to Europe and Africa She taught at Boston University She also liked to write knock-off poems of popular fairytales
Live or Die won the Pulitzer prize She was also in a rock band called Anne Sexton and Her Kind She says her poems are intended to “shock the senses”
Pop Quiz!
1.) What were at least 2 of her known works?
2.) What was her first child’s name?
3.) Where was Anne Sexton born?
4.) what was the name of the band Anne was in?
5.) Where did Anne used to teach?
Bonus! What is imagery?