1 Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act: Re-Envisioning the One-Stop Delivery System One-Stop System Design Workgroup
ChairTom Vice-ChairRandy M1Kathy M2Mark M3Mary M4Paula M5Kate M6Vicki M7Connie One Stop System Design Workgroup
High Level WIOA Implementation Formulation July, 2014January, 2015July, 2015January, 2016July, 2016 Planning Implementation Assess the law for potential opportunities and challenges for implementation Meet all the planning requirements at the state, regional and local levels Implementation dates between July 25, 2015 and July 1, 2016 Intent of WIOA – Section 2. Purpose Strategic CoordinationResults for Job Seekers & Employers Better alignment of related systems.Activities through a state wide system that produces results. Improve the structure and delivery of services.Credentialed skills providing sustainable wages and workers. Increase access to workforce development services Prosperity of workers and employers - globally competitive.
WIOA Planning & Logistics Group (Go8) OS Sys. Design One-Stop Ops Policy/Procedure Finance/Budget Technology Apps Program Title IV VRS & SSB Program Title III Adult Career Pathways Program Title I A/DW Program Title II -ABE GWDC WIOA Planning Committee Program Title I Youth WIOA Workgroups Planning & Implementation
5 One-Stop System Design Workgroup Workgroup Members Selected Based on WIOA “Required Partners” 1.WIOA Title I – Adult, Youth and Dislocated Worker (DEED) 2.WIOA Title II – Adult Basic Education (MDE) 3.WIOA Title III – Job Service (DEED) 4.WIOA Title IV – Vocational Rehabilitation and State Services for the blind (DEED) 5.Older Americans Act – Title V (DEED) 6.CPTE Act – Post secondary career and technical education (MnSCU) 7.Trade Act – Title II (DEED) 8.CSBG Act – related employment and training activities (DHS) 9.HUD – employment and training activities (DHS) 10. UI – authorized programs (DEED) 11. Second Chance Act – section 212 (DOC) 12. Social Security Act – Title IV, part A (DHS) Others Partners to Consider 1.Employment and training programs of the Social Security AdministrationEmployment and training programs of the Social Security Administration 2.Employment and training programs of the Small Business Administration 3.Programs authorized under sections of the Food and Nutrition Act, sec. 6(d)/(o) 4.Programs authorized under the Rehabilitation Act, sec Programs authorized under the National Community Service Act 6.Appropriate Federal, State or local programs providing employment and training related services, such as libraries and the private sector.
WIOA Thou shall, may, and, or … What questions arise from these sections of the law? What is our vision for workforce development in MN? What are the range of options that can be realistically address? How will regional plans and distributive models be supported? What time frame can be set for reasonable system change? What is meant by alignment? How do we leverage key partners to achieve goals? What will it mean to customers – job seekers and employers? What are the internal and external forces that impact progress? Do we have the right approach and players to have an impact? WIOA One-Stop System Design Workgroup
7 Study and understand WIOA from the perspective of system-wide alignment at the state level to inform and make recommendations to the Governor, state agencies, the Governor’s Workforce Development Council, Local Workforce Development Boards and Chief Elected Officials. What framework could be used to address the approach of this Workgroup’s charge to increase alignment, efficiencies and outcomes? Collective Impact Definition – the commitment of a group of actors from different sectors to a common agenda for solving a complex social problem
8 Determine Approach Funder Collaboratives | support same issue through pooled resources. Public-Private Partnerships | government and private sector organizations delivering specific services or benefits. Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives | voluntary activities from different sectors around a common theme. Social Sector Networks | organizations fluidly connected through purposeful relationships. Collective Impact Initiatives | long-term commitments by important actors from different sectors. Type of Problem Technical problems are well defined, the answer is known in advance, and one or a few organizations have the ability to implement the solution. Adaptive problems are complex, the answer is not known nor singular, and even if it were, no single entity has the resources or authority to bring about the necessary change. Collective Impact Process Common Agenda | all participants have a shared vision for change, including a common understanding of the problem and approach. Shared Measurement Systems | Developing a shared measurement system is essential to collective impact. Mutually Reinforcing Activities | A diverse group of stakeholders working together by encouraging each participant to undertake the specific set of activities at which it excels. Continuous Communication | Participants need several years of regular meetings to build up enough experience with each other to recognize and appreciate the common motivation behind their different efforts. Backbone Support Organizations | A separate organization and staff with a very specific set of skills to serve as the backbone for the entire initiative. Role of Funder(s)* Take responsibility for assembling the elements of a solution; Create a movement for change; include solutions from outside the nonprofit sector; Use actionable knowledge to influence behavior; Improve performance. Collective Impact Overview One-Stop System Design Workgroup
9 Common Agenda Establish a shared vision for change based on a mutually agreed to and understood problem and approach by the required partners. HOW DO THE UNDERLYING PURPOSES OF WIOA HELP US SET A COMMON AGENDA? Shared Measurement Systems Develop a set of shared measures, based on individual program requirements and other criteria that measure system change and non-program requirements, i.e. disparate impact issues and other socio-economic goals. INVENTORY/COMPARISON OF REQUIRED PARTNER PERFORMANCE MEASURES AND NEW GOALS/MEASURES? Collective Impact & WIOA One-Stop System Design Workgroup
10 Mutually Reinforcing Activities Create state-level policies that direct practices and resources toward achieving goals of the Workforce Development Areas, taking into consideration regional and local planning. “UNSESSION” POLICY CHANGES TO ALIGN SYSTEMS, SUPPORT REGIONAL/LOCAL PLANNING? Continuous Communication Establish the communication requirements for the interaction of oversight entities - include the State agencies involved, GWDC, MWCA and other coordinating stakeholder groups. DEVELOP A CONSISTENT COMMUNICATION STRATEGY/PLAN BASED ON NEW SYSTEM ALIGNMENT AND MEASURES? Backbone Support Organizations Establish the roles and responsibilities of the oversight agencies involved with the effort. WHAT WILL BE THE ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE SUPPORTED AT THE STATE, REGIONAL AND LOCAL LEVEL? Collective Impact & WIOA One-Stop System Design Workgroup
WIOA Thou shall, may, and, or ….. 11 The five components of Collective Impact provide a lens from which to review the law. 1.Which sections of the law are pertinent to System Design? 2.What questions arise from these sections of the law? 3.What are the relationships to other Workgroups? 4.Which Strategic Service Delivery Strategies are pertinent to System Design? 5.What are the initial priorities for this Workgroup? Collective Impact & WIOA One-Stop System Design Workgroup
WIOA Thou shall, may, and, or … What are the relationships to other Workgroups? One-Stop Operations – policy and program alignment that supports the needs of the delivery system. Technology Applications – policy and program alignment that recognizes the shift to more technology-based services. Title IV (VRS & SSB) – policy and program alignment to better meet the needs of individuals with disabilities and ensure access to services and to assist with the 15% transition age youth target. Budget & Finance – policy and program alignment that direct resources in more efficient ways, seeks to increase funding where needed and leverage all available resources. WIOA One-Stop System Design Workgroup
WIOA Thou shall, may, and, or … What are the relationships to other Workgroups? Policy & Procedure – support the alignment of policy change needs at the state, agency and local levels to ensure effective program administration and operations. Adult Career Pathways – policy and program alignment that supports the adaptation of “career pathway” models into all approaches to job seeker and business services. Title I (Youth) – policy and program alignment that supports more seamless transition from education and training to the workplace, with an emphasis on 75% “out of school youth”. WIOA One-Stop System Design Workgroup
WIOA Thou shall, may, and, or … What Strategic Service Delivery Strategies are pertinent? Reinvent and modernize the WFC system, including increasing access to online and electronic services. Better meet the workforce needs of employers. Increase alignment, connections and communications with WFC system partners. Raise awareness and usage of the WFC system with consistent messaging and branding, relevant to key audiences and customers. WIOA One-Stop System Design Workgroup
WIOA Thou shall, may, and, or … What are the initial priorities for this Workgroup? WIOA One-Stop System Design Workgroup