The East African Communications Organization (EACO) is an inter- governmental organization established by ICT regulators and operators from the East African Community. The main objective of EACO is to harmonize policy and regulatory frameworks in the region; promote the development of broadcasting, postal and telecommunications/ICT services and regulatory matters; and devise ways and means to achieve fast, reliable, secure, affordable and efficient communications services within the region. EACO member countries include; Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda and Burundi The organization is headquartered in Kigali, Rwanda.
EACO has several (11) working Groups WG 10 specifically handles environment and e waste management. The Regional Steering committee Members are drawn from the 5 East African Countries, Each country has a National Steering Committee that assists in the implementation of the Action Plan
1. To analyze the level of e-waste in the region and its impact on human and the environment. 2. To harmonize policies, strategies and regulations on e-waste management in the region. 3. To recommend adoption of green ICT best practices by stakeholders in the communications sector. 4. To recommend national and regional environmentally sound e-waste management systems for the EAC region.
5. To develop strategies for public awareness on issues relating to e-waste. 6. To recommend strategies for collaboration/cooperation between National ICT Regulators, National Environmental Management Authorities and other environmental management Agencies with a view to establishing and strengthening the e-waste management systems within the region. 7. To coordinate and follow up the work of the relevant ITU Study Group(s) and facilitate the development of regional recommendations or contributions relating to the work of this ITU Study Group(s) and/or other relevant international and regional organization.
Update and Compile member states status on e-waste management To study and identify international best practices on green ICTs To participate in ITU-T SG 5 and ITU D SG 1 & 2 activities In collaboration with HR committee enhance capacity building on Green ICT and e – waste management To participate in ATU and other regional organizations and submit relevant recommendations to the group To consult stakeholders through workshops and other forum on e-waste management situation in the region To develop strategy for dissemination of information on environment and e-waste management through media
An update of the status of e-waste and its management with respect to statistics, quantities/volumes, initiatives, policies and regulations in their respective countries was done. It was established that the region has no reliable and comprehensive data on e-waste management
The WG has developed a concept paper on ICTs, Sustainability and Green economy. The concept paper provides an insight on what the working group considers as activities in relation to Green ICT. This concept paper was adopted in the 21st Assembly of Regulators, in June 2014, Arusha, Tanzania. Consequently the WG has developed a draft zero information paper on guidance on greening the EACO member organizations. This information paper provides guidance of how the ICT industry/sector in the East African Region can green their organizations services, operations and products; with priority beginning with the EACO members (organisations/administrations). This is still work in progress and will be shared later.
Members of WG10 to continuously and actively participate and make contributions in International fora where environmental and e-waste management issues are discussed. EACO Secretariat co-ordinates and facilitates the WG contributions in such forums. WG members participate in various meetings including: ITU-T SG 5 & ITU D 1&2
Key IssueStatus Policy, legal and Regulatory framework Work in progress in all the East African countries Public Awareness and Consumer Education EACO is leading in Awareness creation by organizing workshops in EA countries. So far in Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda planning for Tanzania in March 2016, Regional and National Steering committees to be inaugurated December 2015 Research & StatisticsProject proposal to carry out studies / survey in the 5 EA countries has been drafted. E-waste management systems/mechanisms Training to equip members with skills and knowledge on e waste management has been scheduled for march 2016 Strengthening Public- Private and Consumer Partnership EACO sponsors rotational stakeholders meeting to discuss e waste management issues Resource Mobilisation (Human, Financial and infrastructure) WG has drafted the proposal E-waste management as a business case Governments to create a conducive environment for business