ACN Product Overview NBN Australia Information correct as at March 23, 2015
NBN What is it? The National Broadband Network (NBN) is an Australian Government initiative designed to upgrade the existing fixed line phone and internet network infrastructure helping Australians transition to a digital future Several technologies will be available and differ by location/premises. They include fibre to the home, fixed wireless, satellite, fibre to the node, fibre to the basement and HFC networks Not all homes and business are connected to the NBN – the rollout is expected to be completed by 2020
NBN Why choose ACN? High speed and reliable network Matching the NBNCo Fibre to the Premises and Fixed Wireless rollout, we’re helping customers get connected as soon as their home is NBN ready Various speed options, which customers can choose Multiple users and devices on the one connection
NBN Who is this product ideal for? Customers who are ‘NBN Ready’ i.e. their premises has been passed by the NBN network Homes that have multiple devices and require faster broadband speeds Businesses who want gain the competitive edge, access to new markets, opportunity to reduce costs and drive innovation Customers who use the Internet for , Social Media, General Web-Surfing, Video Steaming (YouTube and other HD video content) and Online Gaming
Bundle What is it? Customers can bundle a phone service with an NBN Internet service to receive discounts and a single monthly bill Available to Residential & Small Business customers
Online Sign-up Who do my customers apply for an ACN service? Customers can sign-up to any service via your ACN Direct Storefront website Customers can also sign-up via, but must specify your IBO Business ID when completing their online application Refer to the product section of IBO Back Office of the Help & Support section of for instructions on how to sign-up online.