$100 $300 $500 $200 $100 $500 $300 $500 $100 $500 $200 $400 $100 $400 $200 $500 $100 $400 $200 $300 $200 $400 Greetings & goodbyes Numbers Calendar Essential questions Inside the classroom
What is the French term for Hi or Bye? Greetings & Goodbyes $100
Greetings & Goodbyes $200 What does the French term Au revoir mean?
What does the French word Enchanté(e) mean? Greetings & Goodbyes $300
What do À plus tard and À toute l’heure mean in English? Greetings & Goodbyes $400 What do À plus tard and À toute l’heure mean in English ?
Greetings & Goodbyes $500 French has two words for you. What are the 2 ways to say you?
Numbers $100 What is the French term for 19?
Numbers $200 What is the French word for15?
Numbers $300 How do you say 60 in French?
Numbers $400 How do you say 70 in French?
Calendar $100 Write the days of the week in French.
Calendar $200 Write all 12 French months of the year.
Numbers $500 How do you say 99 in French? DAILY DOUB LE
Calendar $300 Answer in a complete French sentence: Quelle est la date?
Calendar $400 Answer in a complete French sentence: Cest quand, ton anniversaire?
Calendar $500 Write the four seasons in French.
Essential questions $200 Answer in a complete French sentence: D’où es-tu?
Essential questions $100 Answer in a complete French sentence: Tu t’appelles comment?
Essential questions $300 Answer in a complete French sentence: Comment s’appelle ta prof de science?
Essential questions $400 Answer in a complete French sentence: Quel moi est-ce?
Essential questions $500 Answer in a complete French sentence: Comment dit-on Can I go to the fountain en français?
Inside the classroom $100 How would you ask your French teacher to Repeat, please.
Inside the classroom $200 What should you do if the French teacher says Lisez?
Inside the classroom $300 What does the French teacher want you to do when she says Asseyez-vous.
Inside the classroom $400 What does your French teacher want you to do when she says Écoutez?
Inside the classroom $500 How would you say I don’t know?
Greetings & Goodbyes $100 What is salut.
Greetings & Goodbyes $200 What is goodbye.
Greetings & Goodbyes $400 What is See you later.
Greetings & Goodbyes $300 What is Nice to meet you.
Greetings & Goodbyes $500 What are tu and vous?
Numbers $100 What is dix-neuf.
Numbers $200 What is quinze.
Numbers $300 What is soixante.
Numbers $400 What is soixante-dix.
Numbers $500 What is: quatre-vingt-dix-neuf.
calendar $100 What are : lundi, mardi, mercredi, jeudi, vendredi, samedi, dimanche.
calendar $200 What are: janvier, février, mars, avril, mai, juin, juillet, août, septembre, octobre, novembre, décembre.
calendar $300 What is: C’est le 15 novembre.
calendar $400 What is: C’est le # month. (your birthday)
calendar $500 What are: l’été, l’automne, l’hiver, le printemps
Essential questions $100 What is: Je m’appelle Bob.
Essential questions $200 What is: Je suis de Buffalo. Je suis de New York. Je suis des États-Unis.
Essential Questions $300 What is: Elle s’appelle Mme. $.
Essential questions $400 What is: C’est décembre.
Essential questions $500 What is (On dit) puis-j’aller à la fontaine?
Inside the classroom $100 What is: Répétez, s’il vous plaît.
Inside the classroom $200 What is: read.
Inside the classroom $300 What is: sit down.
Inside the classroom $400 What is: listen.
Inside the classroom $500 What is: Je ne sais pas.