miles Named for Patriot Joseph Kershaw 23 rd largest county in SC
2010 Population of 61,697 30.8% under age 18 54.7% between ages 18 and 64 14.5% age 65 or over 70% rural
One city: Camden Two towns: Bethune and Elgin Two unincorporated areas: Lugoff and North Central
Median family income: $43,509 17% of all Kershaw County children and youth 18 and younger live in poverty 27% of all Kershaw County children live in single- parent families
The Kershaw County School District will empower and challenge all students to reach their maximum potential.
The mission of the Kershaw County School District is to provide a positive, safe, and rigorous learning environment in which a highly motivated and nurturing staff prepares students for success.
11 elementary schools 4 middle schools 3 high schools 1 technology center 1 alternative school
North Central Camden West Wateree Camden High Camden Middle Camden Elem Jackson School Pine Tree Hill Elem NC High NC Middle Midway Elem Bethune Elem Mt Pisgah Elem Baron DeKalb Elem Lugoff Elgin High Lugoff Elgin Middle Lugoff Elem Wateree Elem Stover Middle Blaney Elem Doby’s Mill Elem Our Schools
West Wateree CamdenNorth Central Blaney773Camden621Midway394 Doby’s Mill560Pine Tree Hill518Baron DeKalb185 Wateree602Jackson481Bethune103 Lugoff570Mt Pisgah122 Stover612CMS785NCMS374 LEMS668 LEHS1575CHS928NCHS462 School Enrollment FY ADM
65.1% White 27.6% African-American 4.3% Hispanic 3.0% Other 75% Free/Reduced Lunch
695 teachers 92 other professional staff 155 instructional assistants 105 bus personnel 19 maintenance and custodial staff 79 clerical staff 96 food service staff Total: 1,241
Interactive whiteboards in all classrooms Laptops for K-8 teachers HP Elite Pad 900s for 9-12 teachers HP Elite Pad 900s for grades 9-12 iPads K-8, Special Ed and ESOL K-8 mobile HP laptop carts 300 NComputing desktop replacement units All schools have wireless access 500Mg Metro-e connections from sites 1 Gig connection to internet
Spring 2004 Team Meetings Vendor Evaluation HP, Dell, Lenovo, Apple Vendor Selection HP Laptop with Intel Processor
Site Surveys Hardware Recommendation's ◦ Switches ◦ Access Points ◦ Printers Equipment Staging Project Management and installation Computer Roll Out
244 Wireless Access Points 45 Additional Switches 6 Additional Servers New Cat-5 Cabling
Older Buildings ◦ Out dated or not enough electrical Out dated cabling Secure Storage Areas Staging Areas Deployment Areas
1204 HP NX 5000 Laptops 5 Teams 3 Locations
Site based technicians Repair Process Centralized Parts Ordering Spare Laptops
Standardized Network Infrastructure ◦ Cisco Standardized Device for 9-12 HP Certified Technicians/Self Maintainer ◦ 15 technicians Central Point of Management for Parts Centralized Network Management and Alerts ◦ SolarWinds Orion
Mobile Device Management ◦ Mobile Iron Software/Firmware Update Management ◦ Spec Ops Internet Content Filter ◦ Lightspeed Systems Firewall ◦ Cisco 5515 ASA Antivirus ◦ Kaspersky
Work Order System ◦ ITDirect from School Dude Software Licensing ◦ Microsoft Campus and School Agreement Intrusion Detection ◦ Provided by SC Budget and Control Board Division of State Information Technology
You can never have too much bandwidth New devices will have technical problems Communication with Instruction is essential Plan, Plan and Plan Again Be Flexible