Governing Body ASA (Amateur Softball Association)
Originated Chicago, Illinois1887
Inventor George Hancock
Objective To score runs by advancing around all 4 bases
Basic Skills Throw, Catch, Field, Pitch, Bat, and Base Running Hey Batter-Batter Swing
Basic Rules 2 teams of 10 players Winner-team who scores the most runs Start game with a pitch Offense-takes turns batting (ROTATION) Attempts to get runners on base and advance them home Defense-spread out and protect lines/field Attempt to get 3 outs (SWITCH SIDES)
Basic Rules Batter-4 balls and 3 strikes Foul ball-hits beyond foul line (get another pitch) Boundaries Batter-anywhere in batter’s box Base runner-within the imaginary lines of the base paths around the diamond Fielders-anywhere within the fenced area Ball hits line=GOOD
Scoring Advance around all 4 bases=1 run 7 innings
Field Of Play Dimensions (60 feet from base to base)
Unsportsmanlike Conduct 1 RUN
Etiquette Call score, balls, strikes, fouls. Stay out of the base path Compliment play
Terms Batter’s box Ball/strike/foul Force out Double play Triple play Grand slam Error On deck….In the hole
Terms InfieldWild pitch OutfieldLeft on base Line driveScoring position Sacrifice Run batted in Squeeze play Strike zone Walk
Safety Swinging bat Standing out of way of batter Move bat out of way Eye on ball Call ball Wear helmet Touch the corner of the bases Sliding into a base
Indoors/Outdoors Outdoors
Olympic Sport Yes
Lifetime Sport No
Special Notes First called Inside Baseball First played with a boxing glove, broom, softer ball, softer bat, and shorter bases.